craftablescience / ChiraEngine

A customizable MIT-licensed game engine.
MIT License
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Tool Framework #51

Open ashifolfi opened 1 year ago

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

Currently the editor in editor extended is quite a mess in terms of how everything is setup.

The plan to make it much cleaner is to take some notes from source/source 2. Notably the Engine Tools system.

Separating each individual editor into it's own "plugin" will make both adding new editors easier and make the existing editors much cleaner as well.

Alongside giving the possibility of adding an API to allow new editor plugins to be made as dynamic libraries so that editors can be added without having to recompile the entire engine/editor to use them. It could also allow having the engine to contain only a tools mode and have all editor components being plugins you'd load in said tools mode.

Main work:

Make tools:

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

Editor plugins as scripts will most likely end up waiting until script bindings are figured out. so as to not stall this any more the editor components will be reimplemented in C++ in a cleaner way.

craftablescience commented 12 months ago

This is still unimplemented