craftcms / cms

Build bespoke content experiences with Craft.
3.22k stars 625 forks source link

Can't (automatically) upgrade from to 3.1.21 #4328

Closed bramus closed 5 years ago

bramus commented 5 years ago


When upgrading from Craft to 3.1.21, it won't work.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have Craft installed
  2. Run composer require craftcms/cms:3.1.21

Additional info

Application Info


When running composer require craftcms/cms:3.1.21 I get this:

$ composer require craftcms/cms:3.1.21
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - Can only install one of: yiisoft/yii2[2.0.17,].
    - Can only install one of: yiisoft/yii2[2.0.17,].
    - Can only install one of: yiisoft/yii2[2.0.17,].
    - craftcms/cms 3.1.21 requires yiisoft/yii2 ~ -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii2[2.0.17].
    - Installation request for craftcms/cms 3.1.21 -> satisfiable by craftcms/cms[3.1.21].
    - Installation request for yiisoft/yii2 (locked at -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii2[].

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.

When manually trying to require yiisoft/yii2 version 2.0.17, I get this:

$ composer require yiisoft/yii2:~2.0.17
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - craftcms/cms requires yiisoft/yii2 ~ -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii2[] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
    - craftcms/cms requires yiisoft/yii2 ~ -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii2[] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
    - craftcms/cms requires yiisoft/yii2 ~ -> satisfiable by yiisoft/yii2[] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
    - Installation request for craftcms/cms -> satisfiable by craftcms/cms[].

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.

The culprit seems to be the change added in Craft 3.0.17. In that version of Craft the version of Yii was pinned to ~, which only allows upgrades to any Yii versions in the 2.0.16.x range.

For completeness, here are my composer.json and composer.lock:

  "name": "craftcms/craft",
  "description": "Craft CMS",
  "keywords": [
  "license": "MIT",
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  "type": "project",
  "support": {
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    "issues": "",
    "forum": "",
    "source": "",
    "docs": "",
    "rss": ""
  "require": {
    "craftcms/cms": "",
    "vlucas/phpdotenv": "v2.5.0",
    "craftcms/redactor": "",
    "studioespresso/craft-dumper": "1.3.1",
    "craftcms/aws-s3": "1.2.2",
    "aelvan/imager": "v2.1.10",
    "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "1.0.19",
    "born05/craft-assetusage": "2.0.1"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "modules\\": "modules/"
  "config": {
    "optimize-autoloader": true,
    "platform": {
      "php": "7.0"
  "scripts": {
    "post-root-package-install": [
      "@php -r \"file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');\""
    "post-create-project-cmd": [
      "@composer dump-autoload -o",
      "@php craft setup/welcome"
    "_readme": [
        "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
        "Read more about it at",
        "This file is @generated automatically"
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    "packages": [
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                "reference": "f7e80a3cd8c3b3a29fd8ca8961bf452727d52a32"
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                "reference": "f7e80a3cd8c3b3a29fd8ca8961bf452727d52a32",
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                "aws/aws-sdk-php": "^3.0.0",
                "craftcms/cms": "^3.0.0-RC10",
                "google/cloud": "~0.20",
                "imageoptim/imageoptim": "^1.3",
                "imgix/imgix-php": "^2.1.0",
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                "mikehaertl/php-shellcommand": "^1.2",
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            "extra": {
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                "hasCpSettings": false,
                "hasCpSection": false,
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                    "aelvan\\imager\\": "src/"
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                    "name": "André Elvan",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Image transforms gone wild",
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            "name": "aws/aws-sdk-php",
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                "ext-dom": "*",
                "ext-openssl": "*",
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            "suggest": {
                "aws/aws-php-sns-message-validator": "To validate incoming SNS notifications",
                "doctrine/cache": "To use the DoctrineCacheAdapter",
                "ext-curl": "To send requests using cURL",
                "ext-openssl": "Allows working with CloudFront private distributions and verifying received SNS messages",
                "ext-sockets": "To use client-side monitoring"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Amazon Web Services",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project",
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            "time": "2019-05-28T18:07:15+00:00"
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                    "name": "Born05",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Adds a column to see which assets are used or unused.",
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                "asset usage",
            "time": "2019-03-12T08:01:42+00:00"
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            "version": "1.2.1",
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            "authors": [
                    "name": "Carsten Brandt",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": "",
                    "role": "Creator"
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            "time": "2018-03-26T11:24:36+00:00"
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                    "dev-master": "1.x-dev"
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                "psr-4": {
                    "Composer\\CaBundle\\": "src"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Jordi Boggiano",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Lets you find a path to the system CA bundle, and includes a fallback to the Mozilla CA bundle.",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-01-28T09:30:10+00:00"
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                "ext-openssl": "Enabling the openssl extension allows you to access https URLs for repositories and packages",
                "ext-zip": "Enabling the zip extension allows you to unzip archives",
                "ext-zlib": "Allow gzip compression of HTTP requests"
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                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
                    "name": "Jordi Boggiano",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Composer helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of PHP projects, ensuring you have the right stack everywhere.",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-01-31T15:28:18+00:00"
            "name": "composer/semver",
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                "url": "",
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            "require-dev": {
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.5 || ^5.0.5",
                "phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects": "2.3.0 || ^3.0"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "1.x-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Composer\\Semver\\": "src"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Nils Adermann",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
                    "name": "Jordi Boggiano",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
                    "name": "Rob Bast",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Semver library that offers utilities, version constraint parsing and validation.",
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            "time": "2019-03-19T17:25:45+00:00"
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "a1aa51cf3ab838b83b0867b14e56fc20fbd55b3d"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Nils Adermann",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
                    "name": "Jordi Boggiano",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
                    "name": "Rob Bast",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "SPDX licenses list and validation library.",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-03-26T10:23:26+00:00"
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                "url": "",
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                    "name": "Pixel & Tonic",
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            "time": "2019-03-27T09:29:56+00:00"
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            "source": {
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                "reference": "07dcd7f593c2faf56303f3348c061204270ae32d"
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                "reference": "07dcd7f593c2faf56303f3348c061204270ae32d",
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                "ext-pdo": "*",
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                "league/flysystem": "^1.0.35",
                "league/oauth2-client": "^2.2.1",
                "mikehaertl/php-shellcommand": "^1.2.5",
                "php": ">=7.0.0",
                "pixelandtonic/imagine": "~",
                "seld/cli-prompt": "^1.0.3",
                "symfony/yaml": "^3.2|^4.0",
                "true/punycode": "^2.1.0",
                "twig/twig": "^2.7.2",
                "yii2tech/ar-softdelete": "^1.0.2",
                "yiisoft/yii2": "~",
                "yiisoft/yii2-debug": "^2.0.10",
                "yiisoft/yii2-queue": "2.1.0",
                "yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "^2.1.0",
                "zendframework/zend-feed": "^2.8.0"
            "conflict": {
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            "provide": {
                "bower-asset/bootstrap": "3.3.* | 3.2.* | 3.1.*",
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                "bower-asset/jquery": "3.3.*@stable | 3.2.*@stable | 3.1.*@stable | 2.2.*@stable | 2.1.*@stable | 1.11.*@stable | 1.12.*@stable",
                "bower-asset/punycode": "1.3.*",
                "bower-asset/yii2-pjax": "~2.0.1"
            "require-dev": {
                "codeception/codeception": "^2.4",
                "codeception/mockery-module": "~0.2.2",
                "codeception/specify": "~0.4.6",
                "codeception/verify": "~0.3.3"
            "suggest": {
                "ext-iconv": "Adds support for more character encodings than PHP’s built-in mb_convert_encoding() function, which Craft will take advantage of when converting strings to UTF-8.",
                "ext-imagick": "Adds support for more image processing formats and options.",
                "ext-intl": "Adds rich internationalization support."
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                "psr-4": {
                    "craft\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "description": "Craft CMS",
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            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-03-27T22:26:46+00:00"
            "name": "craftcms/oauth2-craftid",
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            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "3f18364139d72d83fb50546d85130beaaa868836"
            "dist": {
                "type": "zip",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "3f18364139d72d83fb50546d85130beaaa868836",
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            "require-dev": {
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.0",
                "satooshi/php-coveralls": "^1.0",
                "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^2.0"
            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "craftcms\\oauth2\\client\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Pixel & Tonic",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Craft OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2017-11-22T19:46:18+00:00"
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            "source": {
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                "url": "",
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                "url": "",
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            "extra": {
                "class": "craft\\composer\\Plugin"
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                    "craft\\composer\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "description": "Craft CMS Plugin Installer",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-05-23T13:16:39+00:00"
            "name": "craftcms/redactor",
            "version": "",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "55ee76494f6332ba5709003d2082e51d56ae8b1a"
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                "type": "zip",
                "url": "",
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            "extra": {
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            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "craft\\redactor\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Pixel & Tonic",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Edit rich text content in Craft CMS using Redactor by Imperavi.",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-04-29T21:39:05+00:00"
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            "version": "1.1.7",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "b379bbcdd32f2db78d204bc4d6f3f97e63fa8e04"
            "dist": {
                "type": "zip",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "b379bbcdd32f2db78d204bc4d6f3f97e63fa8e04",
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            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
                "classmap": [
            "notification-url": "",
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            "description": "Craft CMS Server Check",
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            "time": "2015-01-27T10:53:51+00:00"
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            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-09-28T05:23:38+00:00"
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            "license": [
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                    "email": ""
            "description": "An SVG sanitizer for PHP",
            "time": "2018-10-01T17:11:02+00:00"
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            "license": [
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Neuman Vong",
                    "email": "",
                    "role": "Developer"
                    "name": "Anant Narayanan",
                    "email": "",
                    "role": "Developer"
            "description": "A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec.",
            "homepage": "",
            "time": "2017-06-27T22:17:23+00:00"
            "name": "google/auth",
            "version": "v1.5.1",
            "source": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "0f75e20e7392e863f5550ed2c2d3d50af21710fb"
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                "reference": "0f75e20e7392e863f5550ed2c2d3d50af21710fb",
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            "require": {
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                "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^1.2",
                "php": ">=5.4",
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                "phpseclib/phpseclib": "^2",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.36|^5.7",
                "sebastian/comparator": ">=1.2.3"
            "suggest": {
                "phpseclib/phpseclib": "May be used in place of OpenSSL for signing strings. Please require version ^2."
            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Google\\Auth\\": "src"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "description": "Google Auth Library for PHP",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-04-16T18:48:28+00:00"
            "name": "google/cloud",
            "version": "v0.102.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "da356f004ff891e11a369fd634f55d6abade708f"
            "dist": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "da356f004ff891e11a369fd634f55d6abade708f",
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            "require": {
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                "google/common-protos": "^1.0",
                "google/gax": "^1.0",
                "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^5.3|^6.0",
                "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^1.2",
                "monolog/monolog": "~1",
                "php": ">=5.5",
                "psr/http-message": "1.0.*",
                "ramsey/uuid": "~3",
                "rize/uri-template": "~0.3"
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                "google/cloud-bigquery": "1.6.0",
                "google/cloud-bigquerydatatransfer": "0.10.4",
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                "google/cloud-common-protos": "0.2.0",
                "google/cloud-container": "0.10.3",
                "google/cloud-core": "1.28.0",
                "google/cloud-dataproc": "0.11.3",
                "google/cloud-datastore": "1.9.3",
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                "google/cloud-dlp": "0.18.4",
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                "google/cloud-language": "0.19.3",
                "google/cloud-logging": "1.16.4",
                "google/cloud-monitoring": "0.16.4",
                "google/cloud-oslogin": "0.9.4",
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                "google/cloud-redis": "0.8.3",
                "google/cloud-scheduler": "1.0.1",
                "google/cloud-security-center": "0.1.1",
                "google/cloud-spanner": "1.15.3",
                "google/cloud-speech": "0.24.0",
                "google/cloud-storage": "1.12.1",
                "google/cloud-talent": "0.4.0",
                "google/cloud-tasks": "1.1.0",
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                "google/cloud-trace": "0.14.3",
                "google/cloud-translate": "1.2.9",
                "google/cloud-videointelligence": "1.5.3",
                "google/cloud-vision": "0.22.3",
                "google/cloud-web-risk": "0.1.1",
                "google/cloud-web-security-scanner": "0.1.0"
            "require-dev": {
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                "google/cloud-tools": "^0.6",
                "opis/closure": "^3.0",
                "phpdocumentor/reflection": "^3.0",
                "phpseclib/phpseclib": "^2",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8|^5.0",
                "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "2.*",
                "swaggest/json-schema": "^0.12.0",
                "symfony/console": "^3.0",
                "symfony/lock": "3.3.x-dev#1ba6ac9",
                "vierbergenlars/php-semver": "^3.0"
            "suggest": {
                "opis/closure": "May be used to serialize closures to process jobs in the batch daemon. Please require version ^3.",
                "phpseclib/phpseclib": "May be used in place of OpenSSL for creating signed Cloud Storage URLs. Please require version ^2."
            "bin": [
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "component": {
                    "id": "google-cloud",
                    "target": "googleapis/google-cloud-php.git",
                    "path": "src",
                    "entry": [
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Google\\Cloud\\": [
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Asset\\": "Asset/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\AutoMl\\": "AutoMl/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\BigQuery\\": "BigQuery/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\BigQuery\\DataTransfer\\": "BigQueryDataTransfer/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Bigtable\\": "Bigtable/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Container\\": "Container/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Core\\": "Core/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Dataproc\\": "Dataproc/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Datastore\\": "Datastore/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Debugger\\": "Debugger/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Dialogflow\\": "Dialogflow/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Dlp\\": "Dlp/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\ErrorReporting\\": "ErrorReporting/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Firestore\\": "Firestore/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Iot\\": "Iot/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Kms\\": "Kms/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Language\\": "Language/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Logging\\": "Logging/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Monitoring\\": "Monitoring/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\OsLogin\\": "OsLogin/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\PubSub\\": "PubSub/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Redis\\": "Redis/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Scheduler\\": "Scheduler/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\SecurityCenter\\": "SecurityCenter/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Spanner\\": "Spanner/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Speech\\": "Speech/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Storage\\": "Storage/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Talent\\": "Talent/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Tasks\\": "Tasks/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\TextToSpeech\\": "TextToSpeech/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Trace\\": "Trace/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Translate\\": "Translate/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\VideoIntelligence\\": "VideoIntelligence/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\Vision\\": "Vision/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\WebRisk\\": "WebRisk/src",
                    "Google\\Cloud\\WebSecurityScanner\\": "WebSecurityScanner/src",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\": "CommonProtos/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Bigtable\\": "Bigtable/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Container\\": "Container/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Asset\\": "Asset/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Automl\\": "AutoMl/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Bigquery\\Datatransfer\\": "BigQueryDataTransfer/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Dataproc\\": "Dataproc/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Dialogflow\\": "Dialogflow/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Iot\\": "Iot/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Kms\\": "Kms/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Language\\": "Language/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Oslogin\\": "OsLogin/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Redis\\": "Redis/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Scheduler\\": "Scheduler/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Securitycenter\\": "SecurityCenter/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Speech\\": "Speech/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Talent\\": "Talent/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Tasks\\": "Tasks/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Texttospeech\\": "TextToSpeech/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Videointelligence\\": "VideoIntelligence/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Vision\\": "Vision/metadata",
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                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Cloud\\Websecurityscanner\\": "WebSecurityScanner/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Datastore\\": "Datastore/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Devtools\\Clouddebugger\\": "Debugger/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Devtools\\Clouderrorreporting\\": "ErrorReporting/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Devtools\\Cloudtrace\\": "Trace/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Firestore\\": "Firestore/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Logging\\": "Logging/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Monitoring\\": "Monitoring/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Privacy\\Dlp\\": "Dlp/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Pubsub\\": "PubSub/metadata",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Spanner\\": "Spanner/metadata"
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            "license": [
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                    "name": "John Pedrie",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Dave Supplee",
                    "email": ""
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            "keywords": [
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                "google cloud platform",
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            "time": "2019-05-23T21:03:53+00:00"
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                "sami/sami": "*"
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            "description": "Google API Common Protos for PHP",
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            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
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                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\": "metadata"
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            "license": [
            "description": "Google API Core for PHP",
            "homepage": "",
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            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
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                "grpc/grpc": "^v1.13.0",
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                "psr/cache": "^1.0.1"
            "require-dev": {
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                "phpunit/phpunit": "4.8.36"
            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Grpc\\Gcp\\": "src/",
                    "": "src/generated/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "description": "gRPC GCP library for channel management",
            "time": "2019-02-14T02:21:15+00:00"
            "name": "google/protobuf",
            "version": "v3.8.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "a257235dc1a0d45f8cfc641d0c2ad852f57396c4"
            "dist": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "a257235dc1a0d45f8cfc641d0c2ad852f57396c4",
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                "ext-bcmath": "Need to support JSON deserialization"
            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Google\\Protobuf\\": "src/Google/Protobuf",
                    "GPBMetadata\\Google\\Protobuf\\": "src/GPBMetadata/Google/Protobuf"
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            "license": [
            "description": "proto library for PHP",
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            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-05-29T00:06:29+00:00"
            "name": "grpc/grpc",
            "version": "1.19.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "0f1ffdde45bfb9257c5d9eab81695d0f042bea22"
            "dist": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "0f1ffdde45bfb9257c5d9eab81695d0f042bea22",
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            "suggest": {
                "ext-protobuf": "For better performance, install the protobuf C extension.",
                "google/protobuf": "To get started using grpc quickly, install the native protobuf library."
            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Grpc\\": "src/lib/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
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                "url": "",
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                "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.35 || ^5.7 || ^6.4 || ^7.0",
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                "psr/log": "Required for using the Log middleware"
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                "psr-4": {
                    "GuzzleHttp\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Michael Dowling",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
                "http client",
                "web service"
            "time": "2018-04-22T15:46:56+00:00"
            "name": "guzzlehttp/promises",
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            "source": {
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                "url": "",
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            "license": [
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                    "name": "Michael Dowling",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
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            "keywords": [
            "time": "2016-12-20T10:07:11+00:00"
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            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
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            "extra": {
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            "authors": [
                    "name": "Michael Dowling",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
                    "name": "Tobias Schultze",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-12-04T20:46:45+00:00"
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            "version": "1.3.1",
            "source": {
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                "url": "",
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                "php": "^5.4 || ^7.0"
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            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "ImageOptim\\": "src"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Kornel",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "ImageOptim API for PHP",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2017-01-09T23:58:20+00:00"
            "name": "imgix/imgix-php",
            "version": "2.3.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "081c80c26d34e37d287f10fb6de620b495d11dee"
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                "type": "zip",
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                "php": ">=5.3"
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                    "Imgix\\": "src/"
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            "description": "A PHP client library for generating URLs with imgix.",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-05-07T00:02:57+00:00"
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                "url": "",
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                "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.35"
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            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "5.0.x-dev"
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                "psr-4": {
                    "JsonSchema\\": "src/JsonSchema/"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Bruno Prieto Reis",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Justin Rainbow",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Igor Wiedler",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Robert Schönthal",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "A library to validate a json schema.",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-01-14T23:55:14+00:00"
            "name": "kraken-io/kraken-php",
            "version": "1.6",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "56563df1b9a7829f7039cc6e712cf89fab655e26"
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            "require": {
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                "ext-json": "*"
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            "autoload": {
                "psr-0": {
                    "Kraken": "lib"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Kraken Image Optimizer",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "Official SDK",
            "time": "2016-07-26T08:03:24+00:00"
            "name": "ksubileau/color-thief-php",
            "version": "v1.4.1",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "fc2acefacbd037f68cf61bcc62b30ac1bb16ed59"
            "dist": {
                "type": "zip",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "fc2acefacbd037f68cf61bcc62b30ac1bb16ed59",
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            "require": {
                "php": ">=5.4.0"
            "require-dev": {
                "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.13",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.8|~5.7"
            "suggest": {
                "ext-gd": "to use the GD image adapter.",
                "ext-gmagick": "to use the Gmagick image adapter.",
                "ext-imagick": "to use the Imagick image adapter."
            "type": "library",
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "ColorThief\\": "lib/ColorThief"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Kevin Subileau",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Grabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image.",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-10-27T18:57:38+00:00"
            "name": "larapack/dd",
            "version": "1.1",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "561b5111a13d0094b59b5c81b1572489485fb948"
            "dist": {
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                "url": "",
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            "require": {
                "symfony/var-dumper": "*"
            "type": "package",
            "autoload": {
                "files": [
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Mark Topper",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "`dd` is a helper method in Laravel. This package will add the `dd` to your application.",
            "time": "2016-12-15T09:34:34+00:00"
            "name": "league/flysystem",
            "version": "1.0.52",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "c5a5097156387970e6f0ccfcdf03f752856f3391"
            "dist": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "c5a5097156387970e6f0ccfcdf03f752856f3391",
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            "require": {
                "ext-fileinfo": "*",
                "php": ">=5.5.9"
            "conflict": {
                "league/flysystem-sftp": "<1.0.6"
            "require-dev": {
                "phpspec/phpspec": "^3.4",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7.10"
            "suggest": {
                "ext-fileinfo": "Required for MimeType",
                "ext-ftp": "Allows you to use FTP server storage",
                "ext-openssl": "Allows you to use FTPS server storage",
                "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v2": "Allows you to use S3 storage with AWS SDK v2",
                "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "Allows you to use S3 storage with AWS SDK v3",
                "league/flysystem-azure": "Allows you to use Windows Azure Blob storage",
                "league/flysystem-cached-adapter": "Flysystem adapter decorator for metadata caching",
                "league/flysystem-eventable-filesystem": "Allows you to use EventableFilesystem",
                "league/flysystem-rackspace": "Allows you to use Rackspace Cloud Files",
                "league/flysystem-sftp": "Allows you to use SFTP server storage via phpseclib",
                "league/flysystem-webdav": "Allows you to use WebDAV storage",
                "league/flysystem-ziparchive": "Allows you to use ZipArchive adapter",
                "spatie/flysystem-dropbox": "Allows you to use Dropbox storage",
                "srmklive/flysystem-dropbox-v2": "Allows you to use Dropbox storage for PHP 5 applications"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "1.1-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "League\\Flysystem\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Frank de Jonge",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API.",
            "keywords": [
                "Cloud Files",
                "file systems",
            "time": "2019-05-20T20:21:14+00:00"
            "name": "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3",
            "version": "1.0.19",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "f135691ef6761542af301b7c9880f140fb12dc74"
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                "url": "",
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            "require": {
                "aws/aws-sdk-php": "^3.0.0",
                "league/flysystem": "^1.0.40",
                "php": ">=5.5.0"
            "require-dev": {
                "henrikbjorn/phpspec-code-coverage": "~1.0.1",
                "phpspec/phpspec": "^2.0.0"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "1.0-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "League\\Flysystem\\AwsS3v3\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Frank de Jonge",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "Flysystem adapter for the AWS S3 SDK v3.x",
            "time": "2018-03-27T20:33:59+00:00"
            "name": "league/oauth2-client",
            "version": "2.4.1",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "cc114abc622a53af969e8664722e84ca36257530"
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                "url": "",
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            "require": {
                "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.0",
                "paragonie/random_compat": "^1|^2|^9.99",
                "php": "^5.6|^7.0"
            "require-dev": {
                "eloquent/liberator": "^2.0",
                "eloquent/phony-phpunit": "^1.0|^3.0",
                "jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint": "^0.9.2",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7|^6.0",
                "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^2.3|^3.0"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-2.x": "2.0.x-dev"
            "autoload": {
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                    "League\\OAuth2\\Client\\": "src/"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Alex Bilbie",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": "",
                    "role": "Developer"
                    "name": "Woody Gilk",
                    "homepage": "",
                    "role": "Contributor"
            "description": "OAuth 2.0 Client Library",
            "keywords": [
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            "time": "2018-11-22T18:33:57+00:00"
            "name": "mikehaertl/php-shellcommand",
            "version": "1.4.1",
            "source": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "903ee95d3ee8f65ebbe4c6e17705d1d91760521a"
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                "php": ">= 5.4.0"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Michael Härtl",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "An object oriented interface to shell commands",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-07-07T07:35:36+00:00"
            "name": "monolog/monolog",
            "version": "1.24.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "bfc9ebb28f97e7a24c45bdc3f0ff482e47bb0266"
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                "php": ">=5.3.0",
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                "psr/log-implementation": "1.0.0"
            "require-dev": {
                "aws/aws-sdk-php": "^2.4.9 || ^3.0",
                "doctrine/couchdb": "~1.0@dev",
                "graylog2/gelf-php": "~1.0",
                "jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint": "0.9",
                "php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "~2.4",
                "php-console/php-console": "^3.1.3",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.5",
                "phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects": "2.3.0",
                "ruflin/elastica": ">=0.90 <3.0",
                "sentry/sentry": "^0.13",
                "swiftmailer/swiftmailer": "^5.3|^6.0"
            "suggest": {
                "aws/aws-sdk-php": "Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB",
                "doctrine/couchdb": "Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server",
                "ext-amqp": "Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required)",
                "ext-mongo": "Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server",
                "graylog2/gelf-php": "Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server",
                "mongodb/mongodb": "Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server via PHP Driver",
                "php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib",
                "php-console/php-console": "Allow sending log messages to Google Chrome",
                "rollbar/rollbar": "Allow sending log messages to Rollbar",
                "ruflin/elastica": "Allow sending log messages to an Elastic Search server",
                "sentry/sentry": "Allow sending log messages to a Sentry server"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "2.0.x-dev"
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                "psr-4": {
                    "Monolog\\": "src/Monolog"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Jordi Boggiano",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-11-05T09:00:11+00:00"
            "name": "mtdowling/jmespath.php",
            "version": "2.4.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "adcc9531682cf87dfda21e1fd5d0e7a41d292fac"
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            "require": {
                "php": ">=5.4.0"
            "require-dev": {
                "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.0"
            "bin": [
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "2.0-dev"
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                    "JmesPath\\": "src/"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Michael Dowling",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2016-12-03T22:08:25+00:00"
            "name": "paragonie/random_compat",
            "version": "v9.99.99",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "84b4dfb120c6f9b4ff7b3685f9b8f1aa365a0c95"
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                "php": "^7"
            "require-dev": {
                "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*",
                "vimeo/psalm": "^1"
            "suggest": {
                "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes."
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            "license": [
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                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-07-02T15:55:56+00:00"
            "name": "pixelandtonic/imagine",
            "version": "v0.7.1.3",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "989656b05410446fde623540bbf83af15087e4ea"
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            "require": {
                "php": ">=5.3.2"
            "require-dev": {
                "sami/sami": "^3.3",
                "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^3.2"
            "suggest": {
                "ext-gd": "to use the GD implementation",
                "ext-gmagick": "to use the Gmagick implementation",
                "ext-imagick": "to use the Imagick implementation"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-develop": "0.7-dev"
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            "authors": [
                    "name": "Bulat Shakirzyanov",
                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Image processing for PHP 5.3",
            "homepage": "",
            "keywords": [
                "image manipulation",
                "image processing"
            "time": "2017-10-26T13:18:33+00:00"
            "name": "psr/cache",
            "version": "1.0.1",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "d11b50ad223250cf17b86e38383413f5a6764bf8"
            "dist": {
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            "require": {
                "php": ">=5.3.0"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "1.0.x-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Psr\\Cache\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "PHP-FIG",
                    "homepage": ""
            "description": "Common interface for caching libraries",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2016-08-06T20:24:11+00:00"
            "name": "psr/http-message",
            "version": "1.0.1",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "f6561bf28d520154e4b0ec72be95418abe6d9363"
            "dist": {
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                "reference": "f6561bf28d520154e4b0ec72be95418abe6d9363",
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            "description": "A polyfill for getallheaders.",
            "time": "2016-02-11T07:05:27+00:00"
            "name": "ramsey/uuid",
            "version": "3.8.0",
            "source": {
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                "url": "",
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                "php": "^5.4 || ^7.0",
                "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "^1.8"
            "replace": {
                "rhumsaa/uuid": "self.version"
            "require-dev": {
                "codeception/aspect-mock": "^1.0 | ~2.0.0",
                "doctrine/annotations": "~1.2.0",
                "goaop/framework": "1.0.0-alpha.2 | ^1.0 | ~2.1.0",
                "ircmaxell/random-lib": "^1.1",
                "jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint": "^0.9.0",
                "mockery/mockery": "^0.9.9",
                "moontoast/math": "^1.1",
                "php-mock/php-mock-phpunit": "^0.3|^1.1",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.7|^5.0|^6.5",
                "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^2.3"
            "suggest": {
                "ext-ctype": "Provides support for PHP Ctype functions",
                "ext-libsodium": "Provides the PECL libsodium extension for use with the SodiumRandomGenerator",
                "ext-uuid": "Provides the PECL UUID extension for use with the PeclUuidTimeGenerator and PeclUuidRandomGenerator",
                "ircmaxell/random-lib": "Provides RandomLib for use with the RandomLibAdapter",
                "moontoast/math": "Provides support for converting UUID to 128-bit integer (in string form).",
                "ramsey/uuid-console": "A console application for generating UUIDs with ramsey/uuid",
                "ramsey/uuid-doctrine": "Allows the use of Ramsey\\Uuid\\Uuid as Doctrine field type."
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                    "name": "Marijn Huizendveld",
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                    "name": "Thibaud Fabre",
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                    "name": "Ben Ramsey",
                    "email": "",
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            "description": "Formerly rhumsaa/uuid. A PHP 5.4+ library for generating RFC 4122 version 1, 3, 4, and 5 universally unique identifiers (UUID).",
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                    "name": "Marut K",
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                "RFC 6570",
            "time": "2017-06-14T03:57:53+00:00"
            "name": "seld/cli-prompt",
            "version": "1.0.3",
            "source": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "a19a7376a4689d4d94cab66ab4f3c816019ba8dd"
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                    "dev-master": "1.x-dev"
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            "description": "Allows you to prompt for user input on the command line, and optionally hide the characters they type",
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            "time": "2017-03-18T11:32:45+00:00"
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            "time": "2018-01-24T12:46:19+00:00"
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                "vimeo/psalm": "^0.3"
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            "keywords": [
            "time": "2017-06-19T16:48:17+00:00"
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                "hasCpSection": false,
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                "class": "studioespresso\\craftdumper\\CraftDumper"
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            "description": "Bringing larapack/dd to Craft 3",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-07-20T17:28:50+00:00"
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                    "name": "Symfony Community",
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            "time": "2017-07-29T21:27:59+00:00"
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            "time": "2017-07-28T15:27:31+00:00"
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                "type": "git",
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Symfony Community",
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            "description": "Symfony Filesystem Component",
            "homepage": "",
            "time": "2017-07-11T07:17:58+00:00"
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            "source": {
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
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                    "name": "Symfony Community",
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            "homepage": "",
            "time": "2017-06-01T21:01:25+00:00"
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                    "email": "",
                    "homepage": ""
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                    "email": ""
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                    "email": ""
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            "require": {
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                "php": ">=5.4",
                "yiisoft/yii2": "~2.0.13"
            "require-dev": {
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                "yiisoft/yii2-coding-standards": "~2.0",
                "yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "*"
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            "extra": {
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                    "dev-master": "2.0.x-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "yii\\debug\\": "src"
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            "license": [
            "authors": [
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                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Simon Karlen",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "The debugger extension for the Yii framework",
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            "time": "2019-05-14T13:39:56+00:00"
            "name": "yiisoft/yii2-queue",
            "version": "2.1.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "d04b4b3c932081200876a351cc6c3502e89e11b8"
            "dist": {
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            "require": {
                "php": ">=5.5.0",
                "symfony/process": "*",
                "yiisoft/yii2": "~2.0.14"
            "require-dev": {
                "aws/aws-sdk-php": ">=2.4",
                "enqueue/amqp-lib": "^0.8",
                "jeremeamia/superclosure": "*",
                "pda/pheanstalk": "*",
                "php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "*",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.4",
                "yiisoft/yii2-debug": "*",
                "yiisoft/yii2-gii": "*",
                "yiisoft/yii2-redis": "*"
            "suggest": {
                "aws/aws-sdk-php": "Need for aws SQS.",
                "enqueue/amqp-lib": "Need for AMQP interop queue.",
                "ext-gearman": "Need for Gearman queue.",
                "ext-pcntl": "Need for process signals.",
                "pda/pheanstalk": "Need for Beanstalk queue.",
                "php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "Need for AMQP queue.",
                "yiisoft/yii2-redis": "Need for Redis queue."
            "type": "yii2-extension",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "2.0.x-dev"
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                "psr-4": {
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                    "yii\\queue\\amqp_interop\\": "src/drivers/amqp_interop",
                    "yii\\queue\\beanstalk\\": "src/drivers/beanstalk",
                    "yii\\queue\\db\\": "src/drivers/db",
                    "yii\\queue\\file\\": "src/drivers/file",
                    "yii\\queue\\gearman\\": "src/drivers/gearman",
                    "yii\\queue\\redis\\": "src/drivers/redis",
                    "yii\\queue\\sync\\": "src/drivers/sync",
                    "yii\\queue\\sqs\\": "src/drivers/sqs"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Roman Zhuravlev",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "Yii2 Queue Extension which supported DB, Redis, RabbitMQ, Beanstalk, SQS and Gearman",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-05-23T21:04:57+00:00"
            "name": "yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer",
            "version": "2.1.2",
            "source": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "09659a55959f9e64b8178d842b64a9ffae42b994"
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                "url": "",
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            "require": {
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            "extra": {
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                    "dev-master": "2.1.x-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "yii\\swiftmailer\\": "src"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "authors": [
                    "name": "Paul Klimov",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "The SwiftMailer integration for the Yii framework",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-09-23T22:00:47+00:00"
            "name": "zendframework/zend-escaper",
            "version": "2.6.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "31d8aafae982f9568287cb4dce987e6aff8fd074"
            "dist": {
                "type": "zip",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "31d8aafae982f9568287cb4dce987e6aff8fd074",
                "shasum": ""
            "require": {
                "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0"
            "require-dev": {
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7.27 || ^6.5.8 || ^7.1.2",
                "zendframework/zend-coding-standard": "~1.0.0"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "2.6.x-dev",
                    "dev-develop": "2.7.x-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Zend\\Escaper\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "description": "Securely and safely escape HTML, HTML attributes, JavaScript, CSS, and URLs",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-04-25T15:48:53+00:00"
            "name": "zendframework/zend-feed",
            "version": "2.12.0",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "d926c5af34b93a0121d5e2641af34ddb1533d733"
            "dist": {
                "type": "zip",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "d926c5af34b93a0121d5e2641af34ddb1533d733",
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            "require": {
                "ext-dom": "*",
                "ext-libxml": "*",
                "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0",
                "zendframework/zend-escaper": "^2.5.2",
                "zendframework/zend-stdlib": "^3.2.1"
            "require-dev": {
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                "psr/http-message": "^1.0.1",
                "zendframework/zend-cache": "^2.7.2",
                "zendframework/zend-coding-standard": "~1.0.0",
                "zendframework/zend-db": "^2.8.2",
                "zendframework/zend-http": "^2.7",
                "zendframework/zend-servicemanager": "^2.7.8 || ^3.3",
                "zendframework/zend-validator": "^2.10.1"
            "suggest": {
                "psr/http-message": "PSR-7 ^1.0.1, if you wish to use Zend\\Feed\\Reader\\Http\\Psr7ResponseDecorator",
                "zendframework/zend-cache": "Zend\\Cache component, for optionally caching feeds between requests",
                "zendframework/zend-db": "Zend\\Db component, for use with PubSubHubbub",
                "zendframework/zend-http": "Zend\\Http for PubSubHubbub, and optionally for use with Zend\\Feed\\Reader",
                "zendframework/zend-servicemanager": "Zend\\ServiceManager component, for easily extending ExtensionManager implementations",
                "zendframework/zend-validator": "Zend\\Validator component, for validating email addresses used in Atom feeds and entries when using the Writer subcomponent"
            "type": "library",
            "extra": {
                "branch-alias": {
                    "dev-master": "2.12.x-dev",
                    "dev-develop": "2.13.x-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Zend\\Feed\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "description": "provides functionality for consuming RSS and Atom feeds",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2019-03-05T20:08:49+00:00"
            "name": "zendframework/zend-stdlib",
            "version": "3.2.1",
            "source": {
                "type": "git",
                "url": "",
                "reference": "66536006722aff9e62d1b331025089b7ec71c065"
            "dist": {
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                "url": "",
                "reference": "66536006722aff9e62d1b331025089b7ec71c065",
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            "require-dev": {
                "phpbench/phpbench": "^0.13",
                "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7.27 || ^6.5.8 || ^7.1.2",
                "zendframework/zend-coding-standard": "~1.0.0"
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            "extra": {
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                    "dev-master": "3.2.x-dev",
                    "dev-develop": "3.3.x-dev"
            "autoload": {
                "psr-4": {
                    "Zend\\Stdlib\\": "src/"
            "notification-url": "",
            "license": [
            "description": "SPL extensions, array utilities, error handlers, and more",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2018-08-28T21:34:05+00:00"
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    "minimum-stability": "stable",
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    "platform": [],
    "platform-dev": [],
    "platform-overrides": {
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bramus commented 5 years ago

Only “solution” I found was to:

Surely there must be a better way, no?

bramus commented 5 years ago

Found the "better way":

composer require craftcms/cms:3.1.21 --update-with-dependencies

Might be helpful to have this in a README somewhere.

brandonkelly commented 5 years ago

Best way is to use the ./craft update command, which runs composer require internally, but simplifies the workflow a bit. Documented here:

bramus commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the reminder to always “RTFM”, @brandonkelly ;)