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[3.4] SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'config' in 'field list' #5522

Closed denisyilmaz closed 4 years ago

denisyilmaz commented 4 years ago

I got an internal server error with a fresh install on a staging server. I updated CraftCMS to and Redactor to 3.5.0. Tested locally everything works fine.

On the staging server I get following error:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'config' in 'field list'
The SQL being executed was: SELECT `config`
FROM `craft_info`
LIMIT 1 in /home/runcloud/webapps/craft-cms/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php:674
Additional Information:
    [0] => 42S22
    [1] => 1054
    [2] => Unknown column 'config' in 'field list'

I deleted the database and started from a empty Database, but still, after the installation process the installation fails with this error.


Steps to reproduce

Additional Information

Installed Plugins

"require": {
    "aelvan/imager": "v2.3.1",
    "craftcms/cms": "^3.0.0",
    "craftcms/redactor": "2.5.0",
    "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^3.4.0"
andris-sevcenko commented 4 years ago

@denisyilmaz can you send over your project.yaml file as well as composer.lock and composer.json files to for the environment where the fresh install is failing? Also, please, reference this issue in the email :)

denisyilmaz commented 4 years ago


wouter-vs commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the same error when upgrading from to 3.4.0

Installed plugins

  "require": {
    "craftcms/cms": "3.4.0",
    "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^2.4.0",
    "ether/logs": "3.0.3",
    "adigital/cookie-consent-banner": "1.2.5",
    "ether/seo": "^3.5.4",
    "aelvan/imager": "v2.3.1",
    "verbb/field-manager": "2.1.1",
    "mmikkel/incognito-field": "^",
    "craftcms/redactor": "^2.3.2",
    "clubstudioltd/craft-asset-rev": "^6.0",
    "superbig/craft3-http2serverpush": "^1.0",
    "studioespresso/craft-dumper": "^2.0.0",
    "elivz/craft-single-cat": "^1.2.1",
    "fruitstudios/linkit": "^1.1.11",
    "putyourlightson/craft-entry-count": "^2.0.2",
    "liftov/newsletter-subscribe": "^1.0",
    "verbb/navigation": "1.2.7",
    "liftov/migration": "^1.0",
    "xpertbot/craft-wheelform": "^2.2.1",
    "liftov/craft-stage-file-proxy": "^1.0",
    "liftov/like": "2.0",
    "dukt/social": "^2.0",
    "dukt/social-linkedin": "^3.0.4",
    "twentyfourhoursmedia/comments-work": "^1.0.5",
    "liftov/keyword-analyzer": "^1.0",
    "craftcms/feed-me": "",
    "cedx/yii2-json-messages": "^5.2",
    "nystudio107/craft-seomatic": "3.2.39",
    "dolphiq/redirect": "^1.0.23",
    "storychief/storychief-v3": "1.0.3",
    "liftov/storychief-parser": "^1.0",
    "sunra/php-simple-html-dom-parser": "^1.5",
    "craftcms/element-api": "^2.6.0"
andris-sevcenko commented 4 years ago

@Moskydesign if you update to at least ( it all should work!

wouter-vs commented 4 years ago

@andris-sevcenko that seems to work, "skipping" 3.4.0 and going directly to or

brandonkelly commented 4 years ago

This error only seems to occur after another error occurs on the initial update attempt.

If you get it, do the following:

  1. Revert your database to a backup that was created before updating to 3.4. (By default, Craft will create database backups before each update, and save them to storage/backups/. Note that the backup file will likely include the 3.4 version, as Craft 3.4 would have been Composer-installed by the time the backup was actually created, though before the migrations had been attempted.)

  2. Open composer.json and change your craftcms/cms requirement to ^, and then run composer update, just to be sure you’ve got the latest 3.4 release.

  3. Finally, re-attempt the update, either from the control panel, or by running ./craft migrate/all.

If the migrations fail again, then please send your pre-update DB backup, as well as your composer.json and composer.lock files, over to, so we can look into it.

BSBjorn commented 4 years ago

I'm getting this issue when updating from 3.4.24 >, tried downgrading to a backup but the issue persist...

brandonkelly commented 4 years ago

@BSBjorn Search for the error in your storage/logs/ folder and post the stack trace that follows it.

BSBjorn commented 4 years ago

@brandonkelly heres from console.log

2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][warning][craft\db\mysql\Schema::releaseSavepoint] Tried to release a savepoint, but it does not exist: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1305 SAVEPOINT LEVEL1 does not exist
The SQL being executed was: RELEASE SAVEPOINT LEVEL1
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][info][craft\db\MigrationManager::migrateUp] Applied m200715_113400_transform_index_error_flag (time: 0.017s).
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][info][yii\db\Command::query] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `migrations`
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][profile begin][yii\db\Command::query] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `migrations`
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][profile end][yii\db\Command::query] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `migrations`
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][info][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT
    `kcu`.`CONSTRAINT_NAME` AS `constraint_name`,
    `kcu`.`COLUMN_NAME` AS `column_name`,
    `kcu`.`REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME` AS `referenced_table_name`,
    `kcu`.`REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME` AS `referenced_column_name`,
FROM `information_schema`.`REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS` AS `rc`
JOIN `information_schema`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` AS `kcu` ON
    ) AND
WHERE `rc`.`CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA` = database() AND `kcu`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = database()
AND `rc`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'migrations' AND `kcu`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'migrations'
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][profile begin][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT
    `kcu`.`CONSTRAINT_NAME` AS `constraint_name`,
    `kcu`.`COLUMN_NAME` AS `column_name`,
    `kcu`.`REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME` AS `referenced_table_name`,
    `kcu`.`REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME` AS `referenced_column_name`,
FROM `information_schema`.`REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS` AS `rc`
JOIN `information_schema`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` AS `kcu` ON
    ) AND
WHERE `rc`.`CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA` = database() AND `kcu`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = database()
AND `rc`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'migrations' AND `kcu`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'migrations'
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][profile end][yii\db\Command::query] SELECT
    `kcu`.`CONSTRAINT_NAME` AS `constraint_name`,
    `kcu`.`COLUMN_NAME` AS `column_name`,
    `kcu`.`REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME` AS `referenced_table_name`,
    `kcu`.`REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME` AS `referenced_column_name`,
FROM `information_schema`.`REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS` AS `rc`
JOIN `information_schema`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` AS `kcu` ON
    ) AND
WHERE `rc`.`CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA` = database() AND `kcu`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = database()
AND `rc`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'migrations' AND `kcu`.`TABLE_NAME` = 'migrations'
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][info][yii\db\Command::execute] INSERT INTO `migrations` (`type`, `pluginId`, `name`, `applyTime`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES ('app', NULL, 'm200715_113400_transform_index_error_flag', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', 'c068147a-c576-4f46-a3d8-c464832dd81b')
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][profile begin][yii\db\Command::execute] INSERT INTO `migrations` (`type`, `pluginId`, `name`, `applyTime`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES ('app', NULL, 'm200715_113400_transform_index_error_flag', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', 'c068147a-c576-4f46-a3d8-c464832dd81b')
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][profile end][yii\db\Command::execute] INSERT INTO `migrations` (`type`, `pluginId`, `name`, `applyTime`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES ('app', NULL, 'm200715_113400_transform_index_error_flag', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', '2020-07-21 04:54:22', 'c068147a-c576-4f46-a3d8-c464832dd81b')
2020-07-21 06:54:22 [-][-][-][info][craft\db\MigrationManager::up] Migrated up successfully.
BSBjorn commented 4 years ago

@brandonkelly I have this working now.. I tried a different DB and got it working with the update, only difference is that i did a Craft CMS update first, then the rest of the plugins as a seperate step, is that "best practice" or dosn't it matter in what order I do it?

brandonkelly commented 4 years ago

@BSBjorn I don’t see any mention of Unknown column 'config' in those logs.

The order usually shouldn’t matter, since plugins that require more recent Craft versions should be saying so in their craftcms/cms requirement.

DarioDiGiacomo commented 3 months ago


I've also have this problem semi too..

It is not the same problem, but it's close

My plan was to upgrade from CraftCMS 4 to 5, but the instructions were a bit scary so my second option was to make a complete new Craft Project, I used the same DB as the first project and since then i get this error.

brandonkelly commented 3 months ago

@DarioDiGiacomo Can you send a database backup and your Composer files into