Closed angrybrad closed 3 years ago
Posted by Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff ( on 2015/03/09 00:12:31 +0000
Just wanted to let voters know that I've updated the Reasons plugin today, with support for all native element types (Entries, Users, Assets, Categories, Tags and Global Sets), as well as support for element editor modals:
Posted by Ben Parizek ( on 2015/03/12 23:19:32 +0000
We would love to add conditional layouts in our Sprout Forms plugin, but we also have the need for conditional layouts in several other Field Layouts. We'd prefer not to re-invent the wheel and love the consistency throughout Craft's interface and would like to stay true to it as much as possible.
I'd love to see Craft implement this in core, at least for simple conditionals. If there is a need for more advanced conditionals, maybe that can be handled by allowing plugin developers to add new conditional options for users to choose from.
Posted by Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff ( on 2015/03/09 00:12:31 +0000
FYI: I wrote a plugin which implements conditionals in field layouts:
Considering the popularity of this FR, it's probably not impossible that field layout conditionals will end up in core some day – until then though, I hope Reasons will be a decent patch. Please not that the plugin is in a really early state, and there will be more to come.
I'm also curious about what people think about the template side of things – should field layout conditionals affect templating in some way? Currently, Reasons is strictly about increasing usability in entry forms (same as ACF) and the conditionals are not available to templates in any way. One idea that has been thrown around is to add a "visible" true/false property to the fields. I'm on the fence about whether this is needed or not, though.
Posted by Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff ( on 2015/03/09 00:12:31 +0000
@Daryl The way this works in ACF, the field layout conditionals have no effect on the template side. It's strictly a CP UX effort, where single fields are hidden/displayed on context in order to elevate usability for the editor.
To follow the above example; this would mean that even if the single "Artist" field is hidden in the CP (because the editor has checked the "Compilation" lightswitch), it may contain data and the template will need its own conditionals, yes.
Posted by Daryl ( on 2015/03/12 09:36:29 +0000
How would this work in the template? You'd have two sets of conditionals to account for...
Posted by Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff ( on 2015/03/09 00:12:31 +0000
@Arik Jones: Yeah, like I mentioned in the description above, the conditionals would have to be defined in the FieldLayout somehow. As the fields are shared, there's really nowhere else that makes sense.
I actually put together a super quick mockup to illustrate the basic idea (in terms of UI) as outlined in the description. There are problems and the "conditional builder" is a blatant ACF rip-off, but to illustrate:
As for field dependencies, I'm not sure I follow 100% but to me that sounds like a good addition to the proposed conditionals, not really a better/different approach entirely?
Posted by Arik Jones ( on 2015/04/06 14:06:26 +0000
Also, you could optionally look for specific values.
Posted by Arik Jones ( on 2015/04/06 14:06:26 +0000
A better approach would be field dependencies. Field X depends on non-null values in fields A,C and U. I would think we would probably do this in the Field Layout screens. That way you're not pigeon held by the default field configs.
Bonus points for conditionals affecting the required-ness of subsequent fields! e.g. if I flip lightswitch A, fields B and C show up and become required.
Also prob worth checking out the latest ACF release... they redid conditionals and it offers a lot of power and flexibility:
Really hoping this happens.
Recently forced to do a WP site at work, and while Craft is better in every possible way, the ACF conditionals are a game-changer.
Migrating my site to Craft 3, and it's frustrating to have to pay for LinkIt when all I need is a simple conditional. I guess I could write my own plugin.
Really hoping this happens.
@mortscode Have you tried ?
Frick @daltonrooney. MAGIC!!
What do conditionals have to do with LinkIt / Link ?
@brandonkelly I think he is just implying that he could create LinkIt / Link functionality with native fields alone if conditional display was a thing... i.e. Select "Entry" from a link dropdown and show an entry relationship field, select "Facebook" and show a field called Facebook Profile URL, etc.
Right OK, that makes sense.
FWIW we are planning on giving field layouts a major overhaul in 3.2, including conditional fields.
AWESOME! @brandonkelly
Would also love to see options like show only this field or that field depending on structure level. I know I can achieve that kind of granularity with entry types but I want it to be automatic so that my clients dont have to remember or guess what to do. Thanks for the consideration!
Right OK, that makes sense.
FWIW we are planning on giving field layouts a major overhaul in 3.2, including conditional fields.
Any clues when 3.2 is scheduled for release?
@shantamg Well we need to finish 3.1 first :) That should be done in late December or early January. Guessing 3.2 will be out ~6 months later.
Gotcha. I have a project that I'm excited to move to Craft 3 and I think this is the last dependency I'm waiting for. :)
@brandonkelly - still on track for this to be in 3.2? :)
Not exactly… we started planning it and realized that to do it right we’re going to need to make a few other changes as well, so we’re going to do those as a 4.0 release instead. (We’ll get a 3.2 and other 3.x releases out before 4.0 though.)
@brandonkelly ah that's a shame. When I get some free time I'll have a crack at creating this.
Until this feature is implemented, I found an easy-ish way to achieve this manually was to utilize the following plugins with the window.MutationObserver
Edit: Fix broken link and grammar
@nikolowry That sounds promising. Can you show us what you did to achieve conditional fields? By the way, the second link is missing an 's' at the end (should be
@shantamg I could only find a decent example on an older Craft instance (v3.0.0-RC6) -- the following example should work in newer versions, but some selectors might need updating.
This older instance also doesn't have anything like Field Manager installed (this should be baked into core IMO), so the best I can do with short notice is give a quick overview of the field and take screenshots of the backend config.
Field Overview
Type: Matrix
Handle: nav
Block Types:
Block Type Name: Item
Block Type Handle: navItem
Block Type Fields:
Field Name: Type
Field Handle: itemType
Field Required: True
Field Type: Dropdown
Dropdown Options:
Label: Internal
Value: internal
Default: True
Label: External
Value: external
Default: False
Field Name: Internal Link
Field Handle: itemIternalLink
Field Required: False
Field Type: Entries
Entries Options:
Sources: All
Limit: 1
Field Name: Title
Field Handle: itemExternalTitle
Field Required: False
Field Type: Plain Text
Field Name: External Link
Field Handle: itemExternalLink
Field Required: False
Field Type: [Match Input](, but Url is fine
Match Input Options:
Input Mask RegEx Pattern: /(?:(?:https*?|ftp|file):\/\/|www\.|ftp\.)(?:\([-\w\d+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-\w\d+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-\w\d+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[\w\d+&@#\/%=~_|$])/
Error Message: Invalid url
Placeholder Text: Url
(function () {
// Toggle Internal/External Link visibility in Navigation Matrix
var fieldNavMatrixController = function () {
// Only Modern Browsers
if (!('from' in Array))
var target = document
.querySelector('#fields-nav-field .blocks');
var setDataItemType = function (node, val) {
if (!node)
val = val.match(/(internal|external)/)
? val
: 'internal';
node.setAttribute('data-item-type', val);
var setFieldClass = function (node) {
var isItemLink = ( || '')
if (isItemLink)
// On Init, update pre-existing fields' data-attr & add listeners
.forEach(function (node) {
if (!node.querySelector('select'))
setDataItemType(node, node
.querySelector('select option[selected]')
node.querySelector('select').onchange = function (e) {
// On init, set pre-existing fields' classes
.forEach(function (node) {
// Create an observer instance
new window.MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
if (!(mutation.addedNodes || []).length)
.forEach(function (node) {
if (!node
|| !('querySelector' in node)
|| !node.dataset
|| node.dataset.type !== 'navItem')
var fields = node.querySelector('.fields');
var select = node.querySelector('select');
if (!fields || !select)
setDataItemType(fields, select.value);
node.querySelector('select').onchange = function (e) {
.forEach(function (node) {
.observe(target, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
if (document.querySelector('[name="fields[nav]"]'))
#fields-nav-field .fields > .field.itemInternalLink,
#fields-nav-field .fields > .field.itemExternalLink,
#fields-nav-field .fields > .field.itemExternalTitle {
#fields-nav-field .fields:not([data-item-type]) > .field.itemInternalLink,
#fields-nav-field .fields[data-item-type="internal"] > .field.itemInternalLink,
#fields-nav-field .fields[data-item-type="external"] > .field.itemExternalLink,
#fields-nav-field .fields[data-item-type="external"] > .field.itemExternalTitle {
Twig Example Usage
{% for item in header.nav.all() %}
{% set itemType = item.itemType %}
{% set field = item[itemType == 'internal'
? 'itemInternalLink'
: 'itemExternalLink'] %}
{% if field is defined and field|length %}
{% set itemHref = itemType == 'internal'
? field[0].url|raw
: field|raw %}
{% set itemTitle = itemType == 'internal'
? field[0].title
: item.itemExternalTitle ?: '' %}
{% if itemHref|length and itemTitle|length %}
href="{{ itemHref }}"
{% if itemType == 'external' %}
title="Opens in New Tab"
{% endif %}
>{{ itemTitle }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Screen Capture (Click image or direct link)
Direct Link:
I miss Reasons!
The lack of conditionals was the largest pain point in my latest build as I do large ContentBuilder matrix fields that are used across many EntryTypes. I resorted to creating tabs with the MatrixMate plugin to try to convey to the user they should only set data in one of the first 3 tabs.
@dougstjohn I had to do the exact same thing on my most recent project, and I used MatrixMate. Great plugin. You can also do things like hide matrix blocks on a per-section basis (as in #4252)
I saw there's a new plugin called Conditions in the plugin store that brings back the Reasons functionality, but when I installed it, it started outputting admin styles on my front-end which really messed up the site. I think they're working on that issue, will take a look again in a few weeks.
This is solved? Is there a way to use conditional fields in Craft 3? ( like we did in v2 with reasons?). Forget about plugin called Conditions, it´s useless.
@zzseba78, nope it's not yet available in 3.2. It's most likely going to be a 4.0 according to @brandonkelly
It certainly will :)
oh what a pity... this is a very useful feature! Thanks for your response.
Yes, this will solve a whole lot of challenges.
BTW, original Reasons now available for Craft 3.
@brandonkelly I was about to add a feature request, for something related to this, but a quick search shows that this idea is a better solution - with a slight addition.
It would also be really useful if the visibility of fields could also be dependent on the Site loading the corresponding entry.
I recently found myself wanting to show/hide certain fields for a Single entry, based on the site/language. The initial idea I had was to allow a different field layouts for a Single entry, per Site. However, if fields could be shown/hidden for specific Sites, right in the field layout editor... that would also work. Especially for Global fields, which aren't always needed across Sites.
For full context, we have a website in three different languages. All content across the site is editable, but the structural content for the Japan site is vastly reduced. As such, most of the fields are not needed and we didn't want the site owner to be confused. We therefore created a second Single entry instead - but from an organisational and SEO point of view, they're both the same page. This created knock-on issues for the way we were generating hreflang tags in the HTML. Same goes for the global fields; there are many unwanted/irrelevant fields when editing globals for the Japan site which we can't currently do anything about.
It would be useful to have conditional fields or some way of making one of different fields required.
For example, requiring either an alt text or a checkbox stating no alt text is needed.
So.... what is going on with this now... is it coming... or is it deemed not required?
I just don't see how there isn't a viable solution to this? Example here:
Matrix field Buttons
Button Name - text Button Source - select (value toggles visibility and required check of one of the field below, others are hidden) Link - text, shows only if source === link Asset - asset, shows only if source === asset Entry - entry, shows only if source === entry
How has Craft got here without that native functionality? Has anyone had any actual viable solutions to this?
@JshGrn For this example, I use Typed Link Field:
For other types of content where I would typically use a conditional field, I often use a Matrix. It's not quite as flexible but usually gets the job done and is a bit more predictable on the templating side.
It’s currently planned for v4. In the meantime you can use Reasons.
It’s currently planned for v4. In the meantime you can use Reasons.
Not supported within a Matrix field, I am trying to recreate ACF for my clients and without this it is very hard to get them to pay for a CMS. 👎 Is there a roadmap for v4 that I can see what sort of date we are aiming at? I thought I read somewhere v4 is not planned and that features will just come to new 3.x versions instead?
We’re working on publishing a roadmap; will update this when it’s out there. Timing-wise we’ll have more to say in a couple months at our Dot All conference.
Considering this issue first started as a feature request in 2015, I wouldn't hold my breath @JshGrn. That being said you can probably get around needing real conditionals several different ways. The plugin @daltonrooney recommended is one we use and it works well and there is another field called LinkIt which also works super well. Both of those plugins let you define custom link text and select links from a long list of sources and for most circumstances the single field can easily power your entire button code. If you have other needs for conditionals we would all be happy to brainstorm solutions!
@theskyfloor Yep, not holding breath... looks like a good plugin. I am yet to try it as I ended up doing it in a Neo field, although I think I will give that plugin a go as Neo is a bit heavy for my purpose.
It is bonkers that 6 years on its still not something added, I don't understand why its not a priority as people will be finding it hard to migrate from ACF without it.... with this... more people would migrate and therefore 1) more people would be actively developing within Craft and 2) more people would be paying licences when more people use Craft...
Thanks for the solutions all, hope it also helps someone else looking for conditionals on the same topic.... Will eagerly keep ears and eyes open for Dot All.
Coming from Wordpress and ACF, I miss being able to set up simple conditionals for fields.
An example scenario:
A field layout for the section "Albums" includes a true/false called "Compilation". If unchecked, the layout displays a text input field called "Artist name". If checked, the "Artist" field is hidden and replaced by a Table field called "Artists", where the author is able to enter any number of artists featured on the album.
In ACF, all fieldtypes has a "Conditional logic" checkbox. If checked, the field creator is able to build their conditions for showing or hiding the field, based on any selectable (as in checkbox, radio buttons, dropdowns, true/false etc) "sibling" fields in the same Field Group (or Layout, as it were). You can also apply conditionals to fields inside Repeaters (ACF's version of the Table field) and Flexible Content (Matrix) fields, which works the same way – the conditonal builder UI relies on selectable "sibling" fields in the current context.
In the example scenario, the condition for showing the "Artist" field would be [IF "Compilation" IS NOT EQUAL TO "checked"], and for the "Artists" field it would be the opposite.
Conditionals are not super important in Craft, as we have Entry Types, but I can definitely see use cases where one would be more elegant than the other, and I'm often encountering situations where creating a whole separate entry type just to be able to offer a small amount of flexiblity in the layout just seems a bit overkill. If Craft had conditionals, I'd use Entry Types only when the field layout would be more different than similar across various content types in the same section.
To close, one huge difference between Craft and ACF is obviously that fields in Craft are shared between layouts, whereas fields in ACF are tightly coupled to their group. This means that any conditional logic in Craft would probably have to be applied in the Layout Designer (possibly by adding a "Conditional logic" button to the fields' cogwheel/settings button, which could then load up a conditionals builder in a modal or whatever) and not when creating any individual field.
For Matrix fields, however, it would make sense to be able to add conditionals across block types and their fields in a more similar manner to the ACF way.