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Allow plugins to define descriptions of themselves #966

Closed angrybrad closed 7 years ago

angrybrad commented 7 years ago

Created by: Jason McCallister ( on 2015/03/20 17:34:31 +0000 Votes at time of UserVoice import: 7

This idea was discussed in the Craft Slack channel for #craft3.

The basic concept is to allow developers to define a short description of their plugin in the plugins config.json.

This would allow quick a quick description of each plugin on the Craft control panel. It was pointed out that this maybe better handled by the Craft Plugin Store. However, it was also suggested that not all plugins will be installed through the Plugin Store.



angrybrad commented 7 years ago

As of Craft 2.5, plugins can set a getDescription() method that returns a description of themselves, which will be displayed on the plugin index page (Settings → Plugins).