craftcms / redactor

Edit rich text content in Craft CMS using Redactor by Imperavi.
MIT License
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Display custom element sources in Redactor #481

Open cdccairns opened 6 months ago

cdccairns commented 6 months ago


This is not so much a bug as a feature request, I think.

Our installation contains multiple Singles, some intended for content and some for settings. For the benefit of content managers we have disabled the default Singles overview and configured two custom Element Sources: the former for the management of content, the latter for the management of settings. However, it appears that custom Element Sources do not appear in and cannot easily be added to Redactor, making it impossible for content editors to add a link to a public-facing Single entry via the button "Link to an entry". A hard-coded relative link is a fallback option, but not particularly trustworthy.

How can we add custom Element Sources to Redactor?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Configure a custom Element Source.
  2. Configure a Redactor field and add it to a Section.
  3. In the Redactor field, click the option "Link to an entry".

Additional info

jamiegrisdale commented 1 month ago

After making many custom sources on a large multi-site install I've just come upon this issue. I have essentially no entries available in my text editor which makes it pretty useless.

@brandonkelly is this plugin going to receive any more updates? I see in the store it's marked as abandoned but I haven't seen any announcement. Is it deprecated or is it done and we shouldn't expect updates to fully broken functionality?

angrybrad commented 1 month ago

@jamiegrisdale see:

Redactor (the Craft plugin) has been ported to Craft 5, but it is on life support. The underlying Redactor JS library this plugin is based on has not been updated since Oct. 2021. Updating this plugin to the newer Redactor X would be a complete rewrite.

Instead, we’ve decided to put our development efforts behind CKEditor.

jamiegrisdale commented 1 month ago

Thanks @angrybrad that comment link was useful and yes I saw the CK blog post.

Happy to upgrade and I think the decision makes sense but I have thousands of instances of customised Redactor fields across my all my sites so upgrading will take a long while. In the meantime will the plugin see bugfixes still?

This bug essentially means redactor is incompatible with one of the core features of Craft 4 – custom sources. Not sure if it's the same for Craft 5.