craftcms / shopify

Synchronize and extend product data from your Shopify storefront.
MIT License
44 stars 25 forks source link

Plugin won't enable on Craft 3.3.6 #6

Closed england9911 closed 4 years ago

england9911 commented 4 years ago

Have yet to write a plugin myself for Craft so not sure where to start debugging right now. Just flagging this as it's happened over a couple of different environments now but seems to have occurred after upgrading Craft to 3.3.6

Environment looks like this:

Application Info

PHP version 7.2.22 OS version Linux 3.10.0-714.10.2.lve1.4.63.el7.x86_64 Database driver & version MySQL 5.5.5 Image driver & version GD 7.2.22 Craft edition & version Craft Solo 3.3.6 Yii version 2.0.21 Twig version 2.11.3 Guzzle version 6.3.3 Imagine version 1.2.3-dev


Architect 2.3.1 CP Clear Cache 1.0.4 CP Field Inspect 1.0.6 Instagram Feed 1.0.4 Logs 3.0.1 Mailchimp Subscribe 3.0.0 oEmbed 1.1.8 Outpost 1.1.1 Redactor 2.4.0 Seeder 3.0.1 SEO 3.6.2 Simple Sharing 1.0.5 Super Table 2.3.0 Typed link field 1.0.19

england9911 commented 4 years ago

Update: Installed on a fresh vanilla craft 3.3.6 and got the error:

Error: Class name must be a valid object or a string

england9911 commented 4 years ago

I narrowed it down to the createPlugin() method in the Plugins service during the install process.

To recreate, do a fresh install of Craft 3.3.6 and from the Plugin store try to install the plugin.

The return null is being hit because '\shopify\Shopify' is not a subclass of craft\base\PluginInterface - e.g. it never gets loaded properly.

if (!is_subclass_of($class, PluginInterface::class)) { return null; }

I hope this helps a little @nmaier95 - we could really do with this plugin working! Happy to sponsor any work if required.

nmaier95 commented 4 years ago

Hi @england9911 , thank you for your feedback. i'll have a look at this error in the near future.

nmaier95 commented 4 years ago

Fix has been published with release 1.0.4. I'll close this issue for now, if the error appears again, do not hesitate reopening this issue again or create a new one.

england9911 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for moving so quickly on this. If you've got a donation link we'd be happy to drop something in there to show our appreciation.

nmaier95 commented 4 years ago

Hi @england9911 if you feel like donating something, heres a link to a public amazon-wishlist of mine:

Please do not feel like you really have to donate anything. I absolutely do this for fun.