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Using File Upload from Desktop Datasource throws UI failure when Dialogue is open and closed #6697

Open AndyReiter opened 3 weeks ago

AndyReiter commented 3 weeks ago


Latest version

Describe the issue

An issue has been found in the control/datasource to upload Files from desktop, if the user cancels the upload more than once and finally uploads an image or item successfully, then an error appears and confuses the author. The error appears in the dialog the same number of times that the upload was cancelled, and even when the upload was successful, the message is shown.

Steps to reproduce


  1. Create a site based on Editorial
  2. Go to Project Tools > Content Types
  3. Edit content type Home PAge
  4. Add a datasource to upload files (File Uploaded from desktop)
  5. Add an Item selector field and choose the previous created DS as file manager.
  6. Save
  7. Go to Sidebar and edit the Home Page
  8. Choose upload a file and cancel the upload several times, take note of the number of times.
  9. Then finally upload a file successfully, and you will see an error repeated times.

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