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Adding a non-existent or non-defined macros into `Destination Path Pattern` and using quick create, will launch an error form that can't be closed #6705

Open Euquimides opened 3 weeks ago

Euquimides commented 3 weeks ago


Latest version

Describe the issue

Adding a non-existent or non-defined macros into Destination Path Pattern and using quick create, will launch an error form that can't be closed.

Expected from the fix: we need some way to validate macros in the Content-Type creation form, to avoid this kind of issues.

Steps to reproduce


  1. Create a new project, it can be based in Editorial.
  2. Go to Project Tools > Content Types > Article
  3. On "Destination Path Pattern" add a non-existen or non-defined macro, such as {blah}.
  4. Save the Content Type.
  5. Refresh the Browser window.
  6. Go to Quick Create and try to create a new Article, the form will show an error, and it can't be closed.

Relevant log output

HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request

Type Exception Report

Message Invalid character found in the request target [/studio/form?site=a1&form=/page/article&path=/site/website/articles/{blah}&isInclude=undefined&iceComponent=true&editorId=a790baff-a074-eac8-9512-d2634498fb81 ]. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986

Description The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in the request target [/studio/form?site=a1&form=/page/article&path=/site/website/articles/{blah}&isInclude=undefined&iceComponent=true&editorId=a790baff-a074-eac8-9512-d2634498fb81 ]. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986

Note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the server logs.

Screenshots and/or videos

Screenshot from 2024-04-23 12-55-09

rart commented 3 weeks ago

@jvega190 the error is caused by unrecognised macros ending up on the url e.g. /site/website/{mm}/{hello} => /site/website/04/{hello}. Let's make the macro processor remove unrecognised macros so /site/website/{mm}/{hello} => /site/website/04