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XB drops request parameters on page view #6872

Open russdanner opened 1 month ago

russdanner commented 1 month ago


Latest version

Describe the issue

XB seems to 'redirect' on preview and "drops" request parameters in the redirect.

Steps to reproduce


  1. Create a site based on Empty blueprint
  2. Add the following to markup to the rich text editor <p> <a href="/foo?param1=x&param2=y&param3=z">a link</a></p>
  3. Optional: Add the following markup to the template
    <#list requestParameters?keys as k>
          <li>${k} - ${requestParameters[k]}</li>
  4. Create a new page based on the entry type at /foo
  5. Click on the link on the home page
  6. Note that you are initially redirected to foo with all of the parameters http://localhost:8080/foo?param1=x&param2=y&param3=z and then redirects to http://localhost:8080/foo?param1=x
  7. Note that you can go directly to the page without studio and no redirect occurs.

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