craftsmancoding / assetmanager

Asset Manager for MODX Revolution
36 stars 15 forks source link

installation report #6

Closed victorbanev closed 10 years ago

victorbanev commented 10 years ago
  1. Trying to install via package manager - "Cant download bla-bla-bla" OK
  2. Download manually, put into packages folder, trying to install - "Some bug report with many words that i don`t remember". So sad... OK
  3. Trying to reload page - White screen. wow!
  4. Trying to enter backend by different ways, clearing cache etc... - White screen... so finally need to do full backup.

peoples - be carefull with that thing :))))))))))

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

when trying to download error-report: "Cant download package:"

when trying to manual-install:

Attempting to preserve files at /home/iqs/www/site15/public_html/assets/components/assman into archive /home/iqs/www/site15/public_html/core/packages/asset manager-1.0.0-pl/modCategory/ Attempting to preserve files at /home/iqs/www/site15/public_html/core/components/assman into archive /home/iqs/www/site15/public_html/core/packages/asset manager-1.0.0-pl/modCategory/

then all is stoped, "OK" button is not active

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

This sounds like you somehow downloaded a corrupted version of the package. Try removing the package entirely and then re-installing.

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

Your package description sounds so great (and your video was so sweet ;)) that I`m allready trying to install package at 3 defferent sites on 3 different hosting-places, but none of them can even download package from repository

my systems: MODX Revolution 2.2.6-pl (traditional) MODX Revolution 2.2.12-pl (advanced) MODX Revolution 2.2.14-pl (advanced)

desposition: russia

all other packages installed/uninstalled successful

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

You can try the repoman installation, but only do that if you're comfortable using the command line and you have experience with composer.

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

... or I can go to pub, and to tell the bartender about my misfortune... hmmm.... definitely I choose pub... =)))

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

Yeah, that's not a bad option ;)

But it does sound like either the package you downloaded is corrupted or that this is an environment issue. You said you tried installing this on 3 sites -- were they all on the same server?

I uploaded a copy of the transport package to the repo:

You can try installing from that. If it works, it means that the package you downloaded was corrupt. If it doesn't work, it means there is an issue with your environment (e.g. maybe permissions on the file system or the database?)

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

actualy, I have a two troubles:

1) Package manager cant download package from repository. 2) System cant install package.

All my 3 sites on different servers. Absolutly different. And all of them - cant download package. At last I`m tried to install package in demoserver of some russian modx community with same result. If you want - I can give you login-password to see all by your own eyes.

And, at last, i tryed to instal transport from your link, and catch that error:

xPDOZip: Error opening archive at /home/iqs/www/site15/public_html/core/packages/asset PHP warning: ZipArchive::extractTo() [ziparchive.extractto]: Invalid or unitialized Zip object PHP warning: ZipArchive::close() [ziparchive.close]: Invalid or unitialized Zip object Could not unpack package /home/iqs/www/site15/public_html/core/packages/asset to /home/iqs/www/site15/public_html/core/packages/. SIG: asset manager-1.0.0-pl

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

Again, this sounds like an environment issue, so it's probably not something I can troubleshoot. Are you able to download and install other MODX packages that add custom database tables?

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

which packages do you mean? for example i can download and instal Wayfinder, GetResources and FormIt at all 4 servers.

And finally i`m tryed to install package at Modx Cloud, and guess what we have???

Can give you passwords if you want


fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

getResources, FormIt, and Wayfinder do not add custom database tables, so they are not valid for comparison to test whether your database permissions are working. Given the errors you have reported, this is clear that the first issue is with the MODX package provider.

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

so can you say which packages add custom db tables?

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

Quip is one I know of. But knowing which packages add custom tables is a moot point until you can download a working package. Something is incompatible with your environment.

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

pardon me, my english is not so good to understand you clearly. So where is the download trouble?

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

Your errors show that there's a problem downloading the package from the MODX package provider. Secondly, your errors show that when you download the package from github, you are unable to unzip it. Again, this shows that there are multiple problems, and likely there is something in your sites or servers that is causing the problem. As such, there is literally nothing I can do to troubleshoot this.

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

realy? :)))) you cant deside that trouble? im sorry, but who need the MODx package that dont work in MODx Cloud by default?

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

Your sites are not working: please look at the errors you have reported. If you can't even download the package correctly, then problem is more serious than the code inside the package. Sorry, I really don't know what I can do for you here outside of paid support.

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

No, im not asking to help me, im just trying to help you, because im think that you make a really good package. look, if the absolutly clear new site at ModX Cloud service ( cant download that package, its means that none of MODx Cloud users can use your package? Or im mistake?

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

The errors you pasted there suggest that the problem is either with MODX Cloud or with MODX's distribution of the zip file: none of the errors directly mentioned this project or its code, so a bug report should be filed with MODX directly. I'll look into the compatibility with MODX cloud, but for now I'm closing this as an invalid bug report until there is an error that actually references the code in this repository.

zaigham commented 10 years ago

@fireproofsocks I think if you can update the package which doesnt include space in the name of the zip file, it could solve the issue. Just worth a try IIMO.

zaigham commented 10 years ago

@fireproofsocks I forgot to mention that if I add it into core/packages manually, it does show up in pkg manager and installs just fine.

I have quickly tested it with 2.3 install.

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

Interesting -- will test. It needs updating for compatibility with 2.3

zaigham commented 10 years ago

Ok, it doesnt work with 2.3. But it does work with 2.2 with manual installation.

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

MODx 2.2.14 confirm that after changing name of transport file from "asset" to "" package was installed. But i catch several error reports during instalation, like "can`t unzip file to a folder..." And in that reports i saw way like "core/packages/asset manager/blablabla (asset manager with space). And in the end, my site was broken again :)))))

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

Interesting -- so the problem here is really an issue with the MODX package builder: it's not sanitizing inputs correctly, and it appears it's using an (unsanitized) package name value where is should be using the namespace parameter. This is one of the primary reasons I wrote Repoman ( I've updated Repoman to sanitize the package name and remove spaces and I've used the updated version to create a new build.

I've added a new build for 1.1 to -- this should be compatible with MODX 2.3. Can you test this build?

Which OS are you using? I'm still not able to reproduce these issues.

victorbanev commented 10 years ago

sorry, but installation of new build was crashed again

xPDOZip: Error opening archive at /paas/c3229/www/core/packages/ PHP warning: ZipArchive::extractTo(): Invalid or unitialized Zip object PHP warning: ZipArchive::close(): Invalid or unitialized Zip object Could not unpack package /paas/c3229/www/core/packages/ to /paas/c3229/www/core/packages/. SIG: assetmanager-1.1.0-dev

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

What a holy pain in the ass. Can't wait until Repoman + composer replaces the package manager.

Best not to paste passwords in issue trackers. I've deleted them from your comment. I can't really test in there anyhow as I don't speak Russian.

fireproofsocks commented 10 years ago

Ok, I was able to install this successfully on your MODX cloud instance and on my own. The problem remains in MODX's sanitization of the package name fields, but I updated Repoman to work around it as well as added a few more fixes there.

Note that the Asset Manager is not yet localized for translations yet.