craftworkgames / MonoGame.Extended

Extensions to make MonoGame more awesome
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[Tiled] Tiled map not rendered properly #740

Open RationalG opened 2 years ago

RationalG commented 2 years ago

MonoGame v3.8 Tiled v1.7.1

I have a problem with rendering an isometric .tmx map into Monogame.

Here is the map rendered in Tiled :


Here is the map rendered in Monogame through the TiledMapRenderer :


Tilesets are not rendered properly except for the tower. And the positionning is also bad. The map uses 3 differents tilesets.

Any idea ?

Emobe commented 2 years ago

Seems similar to this.

Possibly need to adjust the blend state in the Draw method.

GraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend

I don't seem to get this problem with isometric maps myself.

I've also noticed that your dock is not in the correct place either however