Open Mephisztoe opened 3 months ago
So apparently this one is sort of a duplicate of this one.
Here is how I fixed it for the moment:
In Tiled, I edited the TileSheet and added a Class description.
By doing so, the tiles get added to the TileSheets' .tsx file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tileset version="1.9" tiledversion="1.10.2" name="Roguelike_RPG" tilewidth="16" tileheight="16" spacing="1" tilecount="1767" columns="57">
<image source="roguelikeSheet_transparent.png" width="968" height="526"/>
<tile id="420" class="Decoration"/>
<tile id="478" class="Decoration"/>
<tile id="482" class="Decoration"/>
Because the TiledMapTileReader can now populate the Tiled property of the TileMapTileObject objects, I can now retrieve their source rectangles and draw them properly
private void DrawObjectLayer(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, TiledMap tiledMap)
foreach (var obj in decorationLayer.Objects)
if (obj is TiledMapTileObject tileObject)
var tileset = tileObject.Tileset;
var localIdentifier = tileObject.Tile.LocalTileIdentifier;
var tileHeight = tileset.TileHeight;
var sourceRectangle = tileset.GetTileRegion(localIdentifier);
var position = new Vector2(tileObject.Position.X, tileObject.Position.Y - tileHeight);
spriteBatch.Draw(tileset.Texture, position, sourceRectangle, Color.White);
However, I'd vote for ninjeffs suggestion here.
Tiled implementation is going to be overhauled, currently looking into existing solutions such as DotTiled to see what can be used for improvements.
I used Tiled to create a tiled map.
So that I can add static visual assets offgrid, I added an Object Layer and used the "T"-shortcut with on selected tiles.
You can see the result here:
For now, it is not possible to make MonoGame.Extended just render an object layer the same way a tile layer is rendered, although loading and manually accessing its content is pretty much identical.
So I wanted to manually spritebatch the objects. When trying to identify the objects' source rectangles within their respective tilesheet, I noticed, that I am not able to access their global identifiers. Also, I noticed that the TilesMapTileReader does not populate the Tile property on the TiledMapTileObject which kind of seems like an issue to me.
Here is a little repro-solution (the assets being used are taken from one of the Kenney Game Asset Packs):