craftycorvid / ImprovedSigns

Improvements for your signs and frames on your Fabric/Quilt server
MIT License
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Dye 'passthrough' signs #13

Closed MeeniMc closed 3 years ago

MeeniMc commented 3 years ago

When using a Dye item to color the text of a sign, the Dye 'passthrough' to the item behind it. It the item is a sign, it will also be dyed at the same time. Imagine the following setup (with player facing to the right, and the signs installed onto one another):

Player    S1    S2     S3     Chest

If the player clicks S1 with a dye, both S1 and S2 will get colored;

If the player clicks S2 with a dye, both S2 and S3 will get colored;

If the player clicks S3 with a dye, S3 will be colored, and the Chest will open.

MC1.17 / BS&F 0.7.1

craftycorvid commented 3 years ago

That's hilarious. I noticed that when dying/glowing a sign it will still open a chest behind the sign, but had not noticed that it also 'pass-through' dyes.

Shouldn't be too hard to fix

craftycorvid commented 3 years ago

Fixed in 0.8.1!