craftycorvid / ImprovedSigns

Improvements for your signs and frames on your Fabric/Quilt server
MIT License
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Clicking on a chest through an itemframe leaves the chest open #3

Closed MeeniMc closed 3 years ago

MeeniMc commented 3 years ago

When one clicks on a chest through an item frame, the chest 'open' animation does not happen.

On the integrated server (single player mode), the chest remains closed at all time during and after the interaction.

On an external server (dedicated server), the chest 'open' animation is triggered when 'leaving' the chest, and the chest remains visibly 'open' forever, although no player is interacting with it anymore.

MeeniMc commented 3 years ago

Issue is resolved on integrated server (mc 1.17, BS&F 0.7.1)

Issue is also resolved on dedicated/external server; mod works appropriately, whether the client has it or not.

craftycorvid commented 3 years ago

I have not been able to reproduce it lately either. Closing for now