craftycorvid / ImprovedSigns

Improvements for your signs and frames on your Fabric/Quilt server
MIT License
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Add option for signs to preserve text when broken. #8

Closed K0-RR closed 3 years ago

craftycorvid commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. How exactly do you envision this working?

I'm thinking something like:

  1. You break a sign
  2. The sign's text is saved somewhere
  3. You place a sign
  4. The saved text is re-applied to that sign

Is this what you had it mind?

K0-RR commented 3 years ago


The sign's text is saved somewhere

There was a mod like this already but I can't find it. It certainly is possible and I think you can just use vanilla functionality (nbt data) to achieve this. You can ctrl+middle click any tile entity to copy it with data like this image

This sign after placing is already with some text. Just make it work in survival and when breaking.

supersaiyansubtlety commented 3 years ago

This is the mod:

You don't have to save the text in some external location, it can be part of the item's nbt, even in vanilla (crtl-middle-click sign in creative).

Though since it's already implemented in a fabric 1.16 mod I don't see the point of duplicating it here.

K0-RR commented 3 years ago

Then there is no purpose for this mod too because all these features are already in other mods like TinyTweaks or

supersaiyansubtlety commented 3 years ago

Edit sign doesn't have click through and afaik tinyteaks only has clickthrough. I use this mod because it has both, trying to combine other mods with only one of these features each hasn't worked for me, and this one lets you stop the sign gui from opening when you place a sign.

I suspect sign retain is compatible with this one, but it's also probably a very easy change to make, and does appear to fit into the scope of this mod.

But anyways, these are just my opinions and I'm not the mod author, I was just providing a bit of feedback.

craftycorvid commented 3 years ago

Merged in the latest 0.8 updated