craftzdog / solarized-osaka.nvim

🏯 A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins.
Apache License 2.0
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Update extra colors #33

Open rxtsel opened 4 months ago

rxtsel commented 4 months ago

Color files in extra, like kitty, still use tokyonight colors.

rodrigolj commented 3 weeks ago

@craftzdog as an alternative, could you provide us with instructions on how should we run the generator for the extra colorschemes so we can export our extra styles locally?

craftzdog commented 2 weeks ago

you can look into tokyonight's extra folder:

rodrigolj commented 2 weeks ago

Oh, so from what I understand, you don't use the Solarized Osaka colors as terminal colors? You use Tokyo Night on the terminal and Solarized Osaka is just for Neovim?

rxtsel commented 2 weeks ago

I made this adaptation for now:

ZeroEcks commented 1 week ago

I had a look and it turns out the extras generation is completely broken. I would recommend deleting it for now imo.

It seems the last thing needed to get this working is to map the unused variables to the correct value. For example bg_visual, green1, bg_dark, dark3, fg_dark, etc. are not used in solarized osaka and end up creating unusable themes unless they are updated to use the correct names.

I would love if someone had the time to make this work though, I had a play and ended up with this code for the time being.

local M = {}

-- map of plugin name to plugin extension
--- @type table<string, {ext:string, url:string, label:string}>
-- stylua: ignore
M.extras = {
  kitty = {ext = "conf", url = "", label = "Kitty"},
  fish = {ext = "fish", url = "", label = "Fish"},
  fish_themes = {ext = "theme", url = "", label = "Fish Themes"},
  alacritty = {ext = "yml", url = "", label = "Alacritty"},
  wezterm = {ext = "toml", url = "", label = "WezTerm"},
  tmux = {ext = "tmux", url = "", label = "Tmux"},
  xresources = {ext = "Xresources", url = "", label = "Xresources"},
  xfceterm = {ext = "theme", url = "", label = "Xfce Terminal"},
  foot = {ext = "ini", url = "", label = "Foot"},
  tilix = {ext = "json", url = "", label = "Tilix"},
  -- ERROR: this line crashes the program, probably would fix if the other issues are fixed though.
  -- iterm = {ext = "itermcolors", url = "", label = "iTerm"},
  lua = {ext = "lua", url = "", label = "Lua Table for testing"},
  sublime = {ext = "tmTheme", url = "", label = "Sublime Text"},
  delta = {ext = "gitconfig", url = "", label = "Delta"},
  terminator = {ext = "conf", url = "", label = "Terminator"},
  prism = {ext = "js", url = "", label = "Prism"},
  windows_terminal = {ext = "json", url = "", label = "Windows Terminal"},
  zathura = {ext = "zathurarc", url = "", label = "Zathura"},
  dunst = {ext = "dunstrc", url = "", label = "Dunst"},
  gitui = {ext = "ron", url = "", label = "GitUI"},

local function write(str, fileName)
  print("[write] extra/" .. fileName)
  vim.fn.mkdir(vim.fs.dirname("extras/" .. fileName), "p")
  local file ="extras/" .. fileName, "w")

function M.read_file(file)
  local fd = assert(, "r"))
  ---@type string
  local data = fd:read("*a")
  return data

function M.write_file(file, contents)
  local fd = assert(, "w+"))

  local file = vim.fn.fnamemodify(debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:sub(2), ":p:h:h:h:h") .. "/"
  local tag = "extras"
  local pattern = "(<%!%-%- " .. tag .. ":start %-%->).*(<%!%-%- " .. tag .. ":end %-%->)"
  local readme = M.read_file(file)
  local lines = {}
  local names = vim.tbl_keys(M.extras)
  for _, name in ipairs(names) do
    local info = M.extras[name]
    table.insert(lines, "- [" .. info.label .. "](" .. info.url .. ") ([" .. name .. "](extras/" .. name .. "))")
  readme = readme:gsub(pattern, "%1\n" .. table.concat(lines, "\n") .. "\n%2")
  M.write_file(file, readme)

function M.setup()
  local config = require("solarized-osaka.config")

  -- map of style to style name
  -- Remove the unused styles
  local styles = {
    night = "",
    day = " Day",

  for extra, info in pairs(M.extras) do
    package.loaded["solarized-osaka.extra." .. extra] = nil
    local plugin = require("solarized-osaka.extra." .. extra)
    -- Enable the background for day and night? I think this is needed.
    for style, style_name in pairs(styles) do
      if style == "night" then
        vim.o.background = "dark"
      elseif style == "day" then
        vim.o.background = "light"
      config.setup({ style = style, use_background = "auto" })
      local colors = require("solarized-osaka.colors").setup({ transform = true })
      local fname = extra .. "/solarized_osaka_" .. style .. "." .. info.ext
      colors["_upstream_url"] = "" .. fname
      colors["_style_name"] = "Solarized Osaka" .. style_name
      write(plugin.generate(colors), fname)

return M