craigbrett17 / blindspot

An accessible windowless Spotify Windows desktop client
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Display volume graphically #14

Open craigbrett17 opened 6 years ago

craigbrett17 commented 6 years ago

When a user has visual output on and adjusts the volume, it would be great if we could give them more information than just quotlouderquot or quotquieterquot. Perhaps a progressbar like display showing where their volume is in comparison to the max volume might be a nice look. Although I welcome other ideas.

craigbrett17 commented 6 years ago

@tjcertified: I'm handing this one off to you, as a sort of introductory thing you could take a swing at to see if you can get a feel for how the visual feedback currently works. You'll probably have questions, so feel free to ask them, or for help, advice , etc, if necessary.

craigbrett17 commented 6 years ago

Well... that went well.

I'll pick this one up again