craigbrett17 / blindspot

An accessible windowless Spotify Windows desktop client
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Offer a GUI type experience as opposed to buffers #17

Open craigbrett17 opened 6 years ago

craigbrett17 commented 6 years ago

The buffers type of UI is great for accessing Spotify while working on something completely different, or for accessing it entirely through shortcut keys. For these reasons this UI is great.

However, for some people who either don't like the buffers style of display, or for whom shortcut keys aren't so great, it would be good to offer an alternative display. So a full GUI that allows the same kind of things might be a good idea.

It might be better to offer this as a completely different application, that uses the same DLLs and similar. To save tangling our code in with each other.

The Spotify style of UI might be an idea for inspiration, but let's not get sued by the money-hungry corporate lawyer armies.