craigbrett17 / blindspot

An accessible windowless Spotify Windows desktop client
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Handle deprication of the Libspotify API #38

Open craigbrett17 opened 6 years ago

craigbrett17 commented 6 years ago

As I recently discovered to my horror in another Github repo:, Spotify are depricating the API we're using, to be replaced by their web APIs. On the surface, that's great! Web APIs are easier and easier to program and for people to understand.

The downside, as you'll see from reading that issue or else looking at, is that the only way it'll support playback is through a browser, and no native playback support is now available. Probably some horse crap about piracy and such like.

I'm fresh out of ideas here, but it's clear that as the API was due to be deprecated last year, our days of using Libspotify are numbered. We either need to try and become some sort of trusted partner of Spotify's, which I'd imagine would incur a hefty sign on cost normally reserved for major speaker manufacturers, which I can't cover, or else try and make a web version of Blindspot, and to be honest by that point people might as well use Spotify's own one, shoddily accessible as it is.

This is a critical issue. All I can do is apologise for not catching wind of this sooner. That being said, even were I to know earlier, I don't think I can prevent this being a major if not fatal issue for the project.

I'll keep researching for now

rkingett commented 6 years ago

Would tweeting at them help? This really stinks because Spotify's accessibility is really bad! Like, it's half assed. This is a shame! :(