craigchristenson / PrestaShop-2Checkout

PrestaShop 2Checkout Payment Module
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Currency Not Converting for 2CO Payment. #2

Closed janakaE closed 10 years ago

janakaE commented 10 years ago


Hi Craig,

Thanks for this module. I have issue with currency conversion on order process.

I'm using currency that not support by 2CO ( LKR ) but have USD also. for example when order amount LKR200 show 2CO checkout $200.

i try to find solution for this in prestashop forums also. lot of them have same issue but no fix for this.

nearly i found this

please help me to solve this matter.

Thanks, Janaka

craigchristenson commented 10 years ago

The module passes in the currency, but it must be supported by 2Checkout. Since LKR is not supported, you will need to do the conversion before passing it to 2Checkout. I can update the controller with this logic for you, I'll update the thread when ready.

janakaE commented 10 years ago

Thanks Craig i think that would be really helpful those who are using this module which has not supported their currency. I really appreciate your work and response. Ok I'll be waiting.

craigchristenson commented 10 years ago

We don't want to blindside the customer here with a different total, so we definitely should be displaying a message to the customer showing the amount that they will be charged in the currency that you will pass to 2Checkout. In your opinion, would it be better to do the conversion using your site's base currency or would you like to be able to select the currency to convert to in the PrestaShop admin under the 2Checkout configuration?

janakaE commented 10 years ago

yes. it would be better before enter payment show massage to customer show total amount in both currency. i think if possible better have option in admin select which currency to convert. either both methods output is same ok with me. all i want is 2CO not supported currency convert in to supported currency and go to the payment process correct amount. also in that process show conversion to customer is good idea. Thanks.

janakaE commented 10 years ago

Hi @craigchristenson , any progress on this ? sorry for asking. but i have to launch site for payments soon & can't use 2CO without this matter. Thanks.

craigchristenson commented 10 years ago

I put the changes in a new branch so you can test before merging the changes into master.

You will need to reinstall the payment module and then select the currency you want to force to with the new force currency option. Please let me know how it works for you and if you find any issues.

janakaE commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot Craig. i'll try and let your know status.

janakaE commented 10 years ago

I test it. it work perfect thank you so much for your work. another thing as you said is there way to show displaying a message to the customer showing the amount that they will be charged in the currency that you will pass to 2Checkout. how i show this ?

also i found another issue in "Order summary" item products description display html tags ( ex- "> ) i found solution for that.

used {$product.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'} instead of {$product.description_short}

craigchristenson commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the fix, i get it in there. I already adjusted the message that tells them their total to be the forced currency total but you can edit the payment_execution.tpl to add your own custom message.