craigchristenson / opencart-2checkout

2Checkout payment module for OpenCart
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Not directed to site to complete order #9

Open themelic opened 7 years ago

themelic commented 7 years ago

Hi Craig,

I figure out something ; sometimes customers not CLICKING to FINALIZE ORDER button which let twocheckout complete process but we can not see in our open cart. This is not ours, yours nor opencart's fault BUT I think we can find a solution for this. Twocheckout is accepting hidden form name which start with"x_". If you can let me know If we can add a hidden form element with name of like

<input type="hidden" name="x_order_info_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $order_info; ?>" /> inside /catalog/view/theme/default/template/payment/twocheckout.tpl

we can avoid data loss like color and size (in our situation).

thanks in advance.

craigchristenson commented 7 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. If you set your 2Checkout redirect method to Header Redirect every sale should get registered successfully without requiring buyer interaction.