craigcitro / r-travis

Tools for using R with Travis ( in lieu of a website:
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Support additional repositories besides CRAN #160

Open eddelbuettel opened 9 years ago

eddelbuettel commented 9 years ago

I use drat to host tar.gz releases which I access from several machines.

It would be beneficial for Travis CI to access these too in lieu of going to GitHub---as I'd then continue to get by without devtools which is needed only for install_github().

Now, the code seems somewhat hardwired to using one repo only:

edd@max:~/git/r-travis/scripts$ grep CRAN | grep repos
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb ${CRAN}/bin/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs)/"
    Rscript -e 'install.packages(commandArgs(TRUE), repos="'"${CRAN}"'")' "$@"
    Rscript -e 'library(devtools); library(methods); options(repos=c(CRAN="'"${CRAN}"'")); install_github(commandArgs(TRUE), build_vignettes = FALSE)' "$@"
    Rscript -e 'library(devtools); library(methods); options(repos=c(CRAN="'"${CRAN}"'")); install_deps(dependencies = TRUE)'

whereas my now defaults to three:

    r <- getOption("repos")
    r["CRAN"] <- ""
    r["eddelbuettel"] <- ""
    r["ghrr"] <- ""
    options(repos = r)

I'll see about a way to either add an install command also taking an alternate repo, or to add REPO2, REPO3, ... if set.

craigcitro commented 9 years ago

yeah, i'd thought we might be able to be clever and pack multiple repos into $CRAN, but that variable plays two roles (one in wget, the other in R).

i can think of two easy options -- and you're exactly the person i'd ask which is more sane! :grin:

i'm partial to the first, but you should let me know if it's a terrible idea.

alternately, you could add a step to just fetch a stored .Rprofile, but it'd be nice to automate this.

eddelbuettel commented 9 years ago

Great minds think alike it seems :) Here is how far I got during my (short) train commute:


set -e
#set -x
set -u


## unset by default

setRepos() {
    #echo "CRAN is ${CRAN}"
    #echo "DRAT_REPOS are ${DRAT_REPOS}"

    echo "local({"
    echo "   r <- getOption(\"repos\");"
    echo "   r[\"CRAN\"] <- \"${CRAN}\""
    for d in ${DRAT_REPOS}; do
        echo "   r[\"${d}\"] <- \"https://${d}\""
    echo "   options(repos=r)"
    echo "})"


which then does

edd@don:~/git/r-travis/scripts(master)$ ./ 
   r <- getOption("repos");
   r["CRAN"] <- ""
edd@don:~/git/r-travis/scripts(master)$ DRAT_REPOS="eddelbuettel ghrr" ./ 
   r <- getOption("repos");
   r["CRAN"] <- ""
   r["eddelbuettel"] <- ""
   r["ghrr"] <- ""

Next step is to just echo appending to ~/.Rprofile for ease of use.

That is 'good enough for me' as it just loops over drats and uses their implied syntax. Some folks (Hi, @cboettig) insist on different free-form repos (still managed by drat). Then there are of course non-drat repos. Not sure yet how to easily deal with that.

eddelbuettel commented 9 years ago

Tried with this commit (and two more for cleanups), but failed. Too bad.

jangorecki commented 9 years ago

I see the cran field in the travis yml definition: If it could take a list of CRAN urls and adjust globally it would be perfect.

@eddelbuettel I do believe R base could have a helper function to append urls to cran repos just for convenience. Maintaining CRAN will not scale if developers will keep the trend. Anyway it would not solve discussed issue which needs to append repos from the travis yml level.