craigk5n / webcalendar

WebCalendar is a PHP application used to maintain a calendar for a single user or an intranet group of users. It can also be configured as an event calendar.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Failing to install 1.9.1 (invalid form request) #434

Closed lindemann06 closed 5 months ago

lindemann06 commented 7 months ago

I've installed 1.9.1 as an upgrade to 1.3, but even though the installation process went perfectly, launching the calendar results in blank pages, with no login form required. Any ideas would be gratefully tried.


Rob Wood

Discussed in

Originally posted by **salocinlofos** July 14, 2022 Hi! After using WebCalendar for many years, I'm trying to install a fresh 1.9.1. After copying the files to my host, I point my browser to the WebCalendar directory and get the very first page: "Installation step 1". The session counter works, all PHP settings are "on" with exception of safe mode (which is "off") and I assign a password to the settings file. Clicking "set password" brings me to: > WebCalendar Error > > Fataler Fehler: Invalid form request I don't have a clue to proceed from here. Thanks for any help, it must be something basic/weird, since I don't find any google hits on this subject...
craigk5n commented 7 months ago

That installer has had some bugs since 1.9.0. I'm working on a fix. In the mean time, you can apply the db changes manually. Look at the install/sql/upgrade-mysql.sql file to see what changes need to made to your database. Once you've made those, you may also need to update the version stored in the database as well using (assuming you are on version "v1.9.1" rather than the most recent):

update webcal_config set val_value = 'v1.9.1' where cal_setting = 'WEBCAL_PROGRAM_VERSION';

craigk5n commented 7 months ago

Did that resolve the problem?

craigk5n commented 5 months ago

Any luck getting it working?

craigk5n commented 5 months ago

If you still need help, just re-open this issue.