craiglyoung / yiimp_installation_script

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AdminPanel White Page #1

Closed b2d2dbone closed 11 months ago

b2d2dbone commented 11 months ago

Hi craiglyoung

I installed yiimp on fresh ubuntu 22.04 everything installed and worked out of the box except the admin panel I even changed it on line 11 but not working only white screen



PhpMyAdmin works at http://serverIP/PhpMyAdmin

any ideas !?

craiglyoung commented 11 months ago

Hi b2d2dbone

Can you please confirm what the ownership is of /home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log ?

If it is owned by pool:www-data, then can you please take a look in it for any errors that it is telling you? If it isn't owned by pool:www-data, can you please do a sudo chown pool:www-data /home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log and see what happens?


b2d2dbone commented 11 months ago

after executing sudo chown pool www:data /home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log

I get
Internal Server Error error_log(home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log) Faild to open Stream : permission denied

I triad to tail the log
tail -f /home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log I get front end error the system is unable to find the requested action "AdminPanel" front end error cWepApp: unable to resolve the request "AdminPanel"

I checked file permission /ownership $ getfacl /home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log I get

owner: poo

group: www-data

user:: rw -

group:: r --

other :: r - -

craiglyoung commented 11 months ago

If you're still getting internal server error due to permissions, you will need to make sure that www-data has write access to the file.

The log is telling you that it doesn't know of the action "AdminPanel". Take a look in your /var/web/yaamp/modules/site/SiteController.php file for actionAdminPanel (line 11). You mentioned in your first post that you changed this line, what did you change it to? If you changed it to something else, then browsing to site/AdminPanel won't work for you, you will need to browse to whatever you changed it to.

b2d2dbone commented 11 months ago

I changed it to just admin then revert it back to AdminPanel as it was it seems like am not the only one who got this issue ""

craiglyoung commented 11 months ago

I have intentionally left 3 options of Yiimp in the installation script so you can change it how you want. Lines 309-311 of contain the 3 options - you can comment out the one that I use and use one of the other two if you wish, and see if one of those works for you, just make sure that 2 of the 3 are commented out.

I have used this script many times and whenever I have faced that issue, it has been one of three things: 1) Line 11 of SiteController.php is wrong (I forgot what I made my admin panel to be, so the debug.log file told me it couldn't find that action) 2) Permissions were wrong to a log file (I forgot to apply the correct ownership/permissions so nginx couldn't write to the file) 3) memcache or memcache related php packages are missing (something failed and these packages were not installed).

craiglyoung commented 11 months ago

after executing sudo chown pool www:data /home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log

Just noticed what you executed, this is wrong.

Should be: sudo chown pool:www-data /home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log

b2d2dbone commented 11 months ago

I executed it correctly only forgot : here in github sudo chown pool:www-data /home/pool/yiimp-logs/debug.log

I will reinstall and see how it goes again

b2d2dbone commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your work and support <3