craigmdennis / middleman-gulp-starter

Middleman + Gulp Starter = Static Site Awesomeness
MIT License
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Bootstrap and foundation #26

Closed falzar closed 8 years ago

falzar commented 8 years ago

Hello, before about, thank you for the work that you do.

Could you help me for activation of bootstrap sass in this configuration ?

craigmdennis commented 8 years ago

This really isn't a repo related issue. You would be better off asking a question like this on Stack Overflow

It's designed so you can add whatever you like with it. Here is a basic rundown. You'll have to look up the specifics yourself.

  1. You need to familiarise yourself with Gulp and Gulp Starter
  2. Install Bootstrap SASS via npm npm install bootstrap-sass --save-dev
  3. Include Bootstrap in site.scss like this @import ../../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/bootstrap
  4. Require the Bootstrap javascript you need in all.js like this scrollspy = require('bootstrap/scrollspy');. You will need to require jQuery before it as well.
  5. Run middleman serve and identify any errors

Foundation should be much the same.