Instead of falling miserably when the signature cannot be generated, catch the exception, print a warning message and skip the RPM signing.
The scenario I am trying to solve is that an ant task has the private key file and passphrase defined. The passphrase is set by a property which by default is set to empty. Trusted computers pass in the passphrase by overriding the property that defines it whereas untrusted do not. Expected result is that both computers can create RPMs successfully, trusted ones created signed RPMs, untrusted ones create unsigned RPMs
Instead of falling miserably when the signature cannot be generated, catch the exception, print a warning message and skip the RPM signing.
The scenario I am trying to solve is that an ant task has the private key file and passphrase defined. The passphrase is set by a property which by default is set to empty. Trusted computers pass in the passphrase by overriding the property that defines it whereas untrusted do not. Expected result is that both computers can create RPMs successfully, trusted ones created signed RPMs, untrusted ones create unsigned RPMs