cran-task-views / Econometrics

CRAN Task View: Econometrics
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General Econometrics task view improvements #1

Closed zeileis closed 2 years ago

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Welcome Grant @grantmcdermott ! It is great to have you on board for the econometrics task view. It would be great if you could have a look at the task view and check whether there are any gaps or whether you would structure something differently, etc. This is not really urgent and has time until after the christmas break. But maybe you can make some time for it at some point in January. Some helpful comments and pointers are below.

grantmcdermott commented 2 years ago

Thanks @zeileis. Stoked to be onboard :-) I'll take a look at those links when I get a chance.

tappek commented 2 years ago

Thank you for adding! Happy to help!

Looking at section "Panel Data Models", I suggest:

tappek commented 2 years ago

Given its current content, maybe a better name for sections "Links" could be "Literature", "Special Issues, Books, Manuals", or something similar.

(Currently? 2022-01-17) Broken link for "A Brief Guide to R for Beginners in Econometrics" ( Seems like this document is available on M. Arai's ResearchGate profile here: . However, I feel like this is rather a generel purpse R intro (with some linear regression), so not too much focused on econometrics.

tappek commented 2 years ago

Another thought: the file is quite long and one will need to scroll a lot to get an idea what the categories/sections are - could we add a mini-TOC after the intro text?

grantmcdermott commented 2 years ago

Seconding everything @tappek has said.

Something else along those lines: I don't think the current delineation of Panel Models makes complete sense, since we've already mentioned fixest, lfe, and alpaca in the Microeconometrics section above. (In turn, these three packages are absent from the panel section, which is where I would naturally look for them.) It's tough because packages don't necessarily fall into distinct categories and some repetition is unavoidable. We struggled with this too for LOST (you can see how we decided to break that up over here.) I wonder if Microeconometrics is too broad of a category?

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks @tappek and @grantmcdermott for the productive discussion. Some feedback:

tappek commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this! Some thoughts/suggestions about some of the above points:

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Thanks, Kevin!

tappek commented 2 years ago
zeileis commented 2 years ago

Excellent, thanks!

Grant @grantmcdermott , talking about links to other resources: I think you have a very good overview of the useful materials "out there", including your own or those of Andrew Heiss, for example. It would be great if you could adapt the links section accordingly.

grantmcdermott commented 2 years ago

For sure. I’ll try to add some tonight.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

I had another look at this and I think we have made the immediate changes that we wanted to make and all of us agreed to. Unless one of you @grantmcdermott and @tappek wants to make further modifications at this time, I think we can close the issue.

grantmcdermott commented 2 years ago

No, I think we (mostly you) hit the immediate high points. Fine to close on my end. There are few other things I’d like to change / continue to discuss going forward, but will propose those when I have a bit more time once the semester ends.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

That's perfectly fine, thanks. So I'll wait for Kevin's feedback and then close probably this issue at this point.

tappek commented 2 years ago

Just one more thing about sections IV and/vs. panel (as we started to discuss it here): I realized, I favoured section Instrumental variables - Panel data over Panel data models - instrumental variables when I extended the first section a bit but now I feel like it should be the other way round (i.e., mention the panel-IV-capable packages in Panel data models - instrumental variables and just refer to that section for panel packages in Instrumental variables - Panel data.

Otherwise, perfectly fine for me to close this thread. Made sense to discuss some basic topics combined in this one. For further topics, opening individual issues seems more handy.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

I have no strong preferences here. Feel free to switch.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Closing this now. Kevin @tappek if you still want to switch the panel and IV stuff, you can still do so later.