cran-task-views / Econometrics

CRAN Task View: Econometrics
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package & section suggestions #10

Closed s3alfisc closed 1 year ago

s3alfisc commented 2 years ago

Hi all - first of all, thanks for adding fwildclusterboot to the task view! :)

I have several suggestions for sections / packages to add to the task view. Note that I have not used most of these packages myself - think of these suggestions as 'methods that I would like to see covered in the task view' & 'packages which I would use in my own research'. I'm also happy to open a proper pull request, but thought starting a discussion here might be more convenient.

Differences-in-Differences / Event Studies

I think that all the new packages on DiD & Event studies should be mentioned in the Task View, and in fact deserve a dedicated section. I would suggest to consider the following packages:

Synthetic Controls

In a similar spirit, no packages that implement synthetic control methods are mentioned. Candidates here might be

'Applied Micro Appendix'

Maybe it would make sense to add a section that highlights several methods that are currently very popular in appendices of 'applied micro' papers? I am thinking of

Machine Learning & Econometrics

I would also love to see a section that collects packages that bridge ML and Econometrics, e.g.

Other minor suggestions

I would mention fixest::wald() in "Further inference and nested model comparisons".

Best, Alex

grantmcdermott commented 2 years ago

Thanks @s3alfisc, these are great suggestions.

IIRC (@zeileis can confirm) there was some discussion about methods sections that included a number of these packages. My understanding was that we would hold off on including them until a decision had been reached about the proposed Causal Inference Task View. See here.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Thanks for these suggestions. Very much appreciated. Some feedback:

s3alfisc commented 2 years ago

Hi @grantmcdermott and @zeileis, thanks for your feedback! I was not aware of the CI task view, which looks very cool! As a matter of fact, almost all packages I suggest here are covered there :)

For Differences-in-Differences, this website lists most new packages.

Regarding Synthetic Control Methods - I do agree that the CI TV might be a better place. On the other hand, all recent textbooks in microeconometrics discuss synthetic control methods at length (The Mixtape, The Effect, Learning Microeconometrics with R), so future (micro-) econometricians might search the econometrics task view for packages that implement these methods.

And I think it is a great idea to mention fixest early on in the "basic linear regression" chapter!

imkemayer commented 2 years ago

Hi all, with quite some delay I now follow a suggestion by @zeileis to propose a bit more details on the RDD and IV sections in your task view. The following text is currently in the Causal inference task view proposal but as Achim pointed out, this part is more suited for the Econometrics task view. If you agree with the proposition below, you could maybe integrate this text or the packages listed there and I would then only mention the rdrobust package in the CI task view and refer to this task view here for more details on RDD.

Regression discontinuity design (RDD) methods are implemented in r pkg("rdrobust") (offering robust confidence interval construction and bandwidth selection), r pkg("rddensity") (density discontinuity testing (also known as manipulation testing)), r pkg("rdlocrand") (inference under local randomization), r pkg("rdmulti") (analysis with multiple cutoffs or scores); tools to perform power, sample size and minimum detectable effects (MDE) calculations are available in r pkg("rdpower"), r pkg("RATest") provides a collection of randomization tests, including a permutation test for the continuity assumption of the baseline covariates in the sharp RDD.

Similarly, for the IV methods, we currently have a lot of packages listed in the CI task view, leading to some overlap with your task view, but we would shorten our list and refer to your task view. There are some packages we found that aren't in your task view yet (but since I'm not an expert on IV methods I'm not sure which ones of the following might be relevant for your task view):

grantmcdermott commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

(Sorry, I dropped the ball on this thread. Too many things on the go in recent months...)

A quick list of tasks and responses, including for questions for higher up in the thread:

PS. @zeileis I'm sure you know this, but you can edit this post directly to "check off" any of the above items that you manage to action.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Thanks Grant @grantmcdermott, I've added a short paragraph on machine learning now. Feel free to extend the list of econometrics-specific packages.

zeileis commented 1 year ago

Ping: Grant @grantmcdermott it would be good if we could address the remaining issues in the no-so-distant future and finally close this isues. Thanks in advance!

grantmcdermott commented 1 year ago

(Just flagging that this is near the top of my to-do list. Sorry for taking so long...)