cran-task-views / Tracking

CRAN Task View: Processing and Analysis of Tracking Data
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sftrack: Modern Classes for Tracking and Movement Data #25

Closed basille closed 2 years ago

basille commented 2 years ago

[initial thread from @basille on 2020-12-06]

Is it on CRAN?

Are you the author of this package?

If you are the author, does it pass check CRAN tests?

Additional information:
sftrack provides modern classes for tracking and movement data, as well as plotting and description utilities. It primarily fits into "preprocessing" (format raw data into proper tracking and trajectory data), together with "post-processing" (computation of metrics), "visualization" (base R and ggplot2) and "track description" (summary metrics: length and area covered).

basille commented 2 years ago

[reply from @rociojoo]

Thanks for the submission. We're adding it to the list of packages to check soon.

basille commented 2 years ago

[reply from @rociojoo]

Added to the new version of the ctv.

basille commented 2 years ago

[reply from @basille]

The updated CTV is finally on-line:

See official announcement on Twitter.