cran-task-views / ctv

CRAN Task View Initiative
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CRAN task view proposal: Agriculture #27

Closed jpiaskowski closed 1 year ago

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago


Agriculture science encompasses a broad breadth of disciplines. Many many package in base R and contributed packages are relevant to agricultural researchers. For that reason, this is not exhaustive list of all packages useful to agriculture researchers. It is intended to cover major packages that in most cases, have been developed specifically to support agricultural research and analytical needs. We intend this as a resource for agricultural scientists and agricultural statisticians.

Our core areas encompass packages for:


We have already drafted an agricultural task view here in a git repo (although no CTV file has been prepared). The majority of these packages are on CRAN, but a few can only be found on GitHub and other alternative repositories.

Here is an alphabetised list of packages:

agricolae agridat
apsimx aqp asremlPlus


In several cases, this proposed task view references other existing task views (e.g. spatial, econometrics) when those task views were the best alternative to repeating information. There is a small amount of overlap between the agricultural databases packages in this proposed CRAN task view and Official Statistics (e.g. "cdlTools", "FAOSTAT").

In general, there does not appear to be substantial overlap with existing CRAN task views.


principal maintainer: Julia Piaskowski (@jpiaskowski)

possible co-maintainers: Janet Williams (@janetw), Adam Sparks (@adamhsparks), Andrew Kniss

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Thank you, Julia @jpiaskowski, for this proposal, this is very much appreciated. My first impression is that even if there is currently no big overlap with other task views, this might become more of an issue later on. For example, we have encouraged the proposal of a follow-up to the "Genetics" and "Phylogenetics" task views. Similarly, planning and analyzing experiments is likely to be relevant to other topics beyond agriculture. I'm not sure whether it would be possible to sharpen the focus to avoid such potential overlaps.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Thank you, I see your point.

The scope of this proposal is packages specifically developed to support agricultural research, to solve problems encountered in ag research that no other R package was/is doing. This is intended to serve a real need for ag researchers, so yes, it is broad by intention. It is not intended as a resource of packages that could be useful to agricultural research. It is our preference to not overlap with existing task views. If we do overlap (now or in the future), we can adjust as needed. But, at this time, I am trying to provide for an unmet need.

Agreed, it does feel odd to list packages like "lme4" and "nlme" that clearly have very broad usage and were not developed for agricultural research, so those could be removed. (it would be really fantastic if a CRAN task view existed for linear models, but that is outside the scope of this proposal).

The 3 packages we list for experimental design are listed in the the "ExperimentalDesign" CRAN Task View. We would prefer to repeat that info in this task view, while also indicating there is another CRAN task view covering the topic with more extensive detail. These are specialized designs invented for agricultural trials, and used largely in only agricultural trials. Listing these relevant packages enables people to find this info, but we can remove them if you think that's necessary.

The section on breeding and genetics is intended to include only genetic packages in service of plant and animal breeding, which largely concerns QTL anaylsis/GWAS, mixed models that enable heterogeneous covariance structure for genetic relatedness and genetic predictions/genomic selection models. Phylogenetics and bioinformatics are not within the intended scope. What if we called this "breeding and quantitative genetics"? That would be consistent with how the term "quantitative genetics" is used in biological literature.

rociojoo commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your detailed response @jpiaskowski . I would suggest that packages that are from other areas (e.g. genetics or animal science) would be included here if they are for agriculture, which should be stated in the name or description of the package, or if they contain examples of applications for agriculture (e.g. in the vignettes). Otherwise, there will be a big risk of overlap with other CTVs. Reference to agriculture in the package's name, description, or vignettes could work as a "less subjective" criterion to include the package in this CTV.

In order for that to work, there should also be a clearer definition of agriculture science besides encompasses a broad breadth of disciplines, and one that could be understood by a non-agricultural reader.

tuxette commented 2 years ago

In addition to previous comments (to which I agree), I suggest that:

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Hey folks, I followed the instructions laid out in your proposal instructions but in actuality, there is a much more extensive guide that is attempting to give exactly what I thought a CRAN task view envisioned. I have been actively soliciting contributions for this from the agricultural research for the last 2 years. I did provide the link to this in my initial issue.

I do think the section "GxE" (genotype by environment) does belong in agronomic trials. There is overlap with genetic prediction, but this is separate from quantitative genetics, which is deeply concerned with prediction, kinship and specialized breeding populations. Genetics-focused journals would not publish GxE studies unless there was a substantial component accounting for genetic relatedness.

Weed science (the study of weedy plants and methods of control) and plant pathology (the study of plant diseases) are not related and should not be combined. Simply put they do different things and have different goals. The ag stats community would not want that. Certainly it is true that some sub-sections are very slim with very little to say. That is disappointing, but at the very least, this is an opportunity to communicate to those scientists what is available, even when the answer is "not much".

The definition of agricultural science is research that addresses agricultural production. The relevant topics are (also listed above):

These are subjects relevant to agriculture. They are departments located in Colleges of Agriculture at the Land Grant Institutions University of Idaho and Washington State University. Some disciplines (e.g. "horticulture") are not included for being too broad from an analytical standpoint, which is why the disclaimer "Agriculture science encompasses a broad breadth of disciplines" in included (please note that this is not a definition).

There appears to be some reticence among this group to have this CRAN task view. I can only say this is a demonstrated need among both agricultural statisticians and agricultural researchers. As an agricultural statistician (my job for the last 4 years), I have observed that many of my client do not know what is available in the R ecosystem to help them meet their research goals. And the existing CRAN task view are frequently not able to help them. For example, the former genetics CRAN task view never addressed genetic prediction and quantitative genetics. As agricultural scientists transition from SAS to R, this could be a useful resource. I am currently presenting a poster on this proposed task view at an Agricultural Statistics Conference and have received much feedback on the topic. I recently put out a blog post on this topic, which received interest on Twitter. This is a resource the agricultural research community needs.

The packages included are ones recommended by the community (e.g. "soilDB", "aqp", "apsimx"), ones in which I found reading applied plant breeding papers (e.g. "rrBLUP"), ones written by ag researchers ("StageWise", "SpATS"). There is one package not written for agricultural research, 'rnoaa', which could be removed. Otherwise, these are packages vetted for development and usage in agricultural research.

adamhsparks commented 2 years ago

As a potential co-maintainer and having been trained and employed as a plant pathologist in the past, I second what @jpiaskowski has said about the groupings. These groupings represent a well-thought out structure that agricultural users of R will understand when looking at something like this.

rsbivand commented 2 years ago

Might I ask to what extent you feel that your coverage is also adequately representative of non-US agriculture? Not my field, but you only list cropScape among many other packages with names beginning with crop, and others are Australian, Brazilian, etc; the same with soils (febr). A co-maintainer for example from Brazil might be able to help broaden the proposal.

tuxette commented 2 years ago

Dear @jpiaskowski : no reticence from my side (I am myself working for the French National Institute for Agricultural Research since 2013 so I know the topic well and also the needs; I am very well connected to the developers of statgenHTP for instance). So comments were just meant to provide some suggestions to make the (possible) task view as clear as possible for users. For further discussions:

Other suggestions/questions:

On a very minor note, this is probably too early to address these issues (and your proposal is probably not in its final form) but, from a format point of view:

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Thank you for this feedback. Actions taken:

  1. The "genotype-by-interactions" subsection is moved to its own section. It doesn't quite belong in "breeding" or "agronomic trials", although it's relevant to both.
  2. "breeding and genetics" renamed to "breeding and quantitative genetics" in order to be more precise and clear. Subsection on "general genetic prediction" renamed to "genomic prediction" to be more aligned with the terminology used in the scientific literature and hence be more clear to the target audience.
  3. "Crop modelling" renamed to "crop growth models & crop modelling" to better describe the content.
  4. rnoaa removed from the package list.
  5. The single book removed from the "additional links" section.
  6. Various typos fixed and attempts made to make citation style more consistent (undoubtedly, typos still persist, but I am trying to focus on content at this stage).
  7. "Data sets" renamed to "Agricultural data sets" for clarity
  8. Package "bravo" added to GWAS section (based on presentation I saw at the 2022 Ag Stats conference)
jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Thank you, @rsbivand for the suggestion. It is not likely we are addressing databases/data sources outside the U.S. well. We will look into this.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Regarding additional links at the bottom of the proposal, I acknowledge this section to be far from comprehensive. Is this something that should be removed altogether until we are ready to present a more balanced and comprehensive collection of additional links? Putting together a comprehensive list will be a significant undertaking. I had previously thought this could be catch-all of extra relevant information that is not an R package, and that this did not need to be exhaustive. It sounds like I misunderstood this.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

The core packages are:

tuxette commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your answers and modifications. I don't think that the Links section is meant to be exhaustive but it should not be biased toward a particular community either. If it links something, I think that it has to be something that is a clear reference for anyone in the field. Similarly, if you cite a regional resource, be sure that you can not easily find the same type of resource for other places in the world (or a worldwide similar resource). That being said, I wouldn't know if it is best to keep and enhance that section or to remove it entirely.

tuxette commented 2 years ago

There might be a misunderstanding of what core packages are: they are a set of the most important packages in the field (so not all the packages related to kind of "core topic" but one package for each subsection, roughly speaking. They are referenced in the task view with the command r pkg("...", priority = "core") (unlike the others which are referenced with r pkg("...")).

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

There might be a misunderstanding of what core packages are: they are a set of the most important packages in the field (so not all the packages related to kind of "core topic" but one package for each subsection, roughly speaking. They are referenced in the task view with the command r pkg("...", priority = "core") (unlike the others which are referenced with r pkg("...")).

Ah, I did not understand; thank you for the clarification. I'd like to chat more with the co-maintainers about this and solicit feedback from the community before answering this question.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Regarding the links section, it sounds like it would be best to pull that from this proposed CTV until it is a bit more balanced. I'd like to fill this out eventually, but that is a big task.

rociojoo commented 2 years ago

I just want to add that I like where this is going. Thank you @jpiaskowski and all, the draft of the CTV is looking great. A very minor suggestion: consider adding a link to the Contributors guide in "If you think that some package is missing from the list, please let us know."

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Thank you @rociojoo for the kind comment. Yes, I will add that comment, good idea. I was travelling all last week, but now I can turn my attention to these suggestions.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Hey folks, just giving a quick update to let you know that we are still working on this. I just incorporated about 10 more packages based on community suggestions, and now we are trying to gather more feedback from the broader community on what constitutes "core packages". In meantime, "rnoaa" was removed for not being ag-specific and the links section was removed for lacking balance.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Hello. Here's what we have done since the last major communication:

  1. Worked on defining the "core packages" field and asked the ag science community for additional package suggestions. Feedback was solicited from Twitter, R-focused Slack workspaces (international in participation), the discussion boards for the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America and via emails sent to key people in this field. We have a good starting list for now, but this will probably a working list that changes.
  2. Incorporated more community suggestions regarding additional packages to include. We did receive suggestions for R packages supporting access of Argentina agricultural databases.
  3. Inquired into adding an additional co-maintainer not based in the U.S. or Australia (2 countries already represented by our maintainer pool). While we have received community suggestions from outside those regions, we do not yet have a co-maintainer outside U.S. & Australia.
  4. Updated the "issue - new package" template to reflect the new sub-categories.
  5. Contributors link (per this) added to our readme
  6. Added a new sub-category "agrometerology" based on community feedback. This currently consists of 4 packages (sorry, now {rnoaa} is back in the mix!). Here is the content for that:

[Meteor][] provides a set of functions for weather and climate data manipulation to support crop and crop disease modeling. The [agromet][] package includes a series of functions to calculate climatic and hydrological indices and statistics from tidy data. United States weather data from NOAA can be accessed with [rnoaa][]. Historic U.S. climate data from the PRISM Climate Group can be accessed with [prism][]. Data from the Copernicus data set of agrometerological indicators can be downloaded and extracted using [ag5Tools][].

If this looks like it is getting too broad, we can reassign {meteor} and {ag5Tools} elsewhere (probably databases), while {prism} and {rnoaa} would be jettisoned. However, this information is not captured in any other CTV. My goal when starting this was to help my colleagues that were having a hard time figuring out how to accomplish their research goals in R. If later a CTV is proposed that would overlap with ours, we could remove the overlapping sections and allow someone else to curate a topic. That is say, I'm not invested in this being the only CTV supporting agricultural research, I'm just trying to solve problems I know exist currently.

Question: We have received repeated suggestions to include the package {asreml} in the core packages list. This is a widely used and very helpful package for agricultural analysis; however, it neither on CRAN nor open source (you can find it here). It's currently listed in several sections in the draft CTV and there are several other packages specifically designed for manipulating {asreml} output (that are also included in this CTV). Can it be listed in the core packages list?

Please let us know if there is additional feedback. My next step is to do some serious editing for spelling, grammar, style, etc.

rociojoo commented 2 years ago

@jpiaskowski Thank you very much for this update. I'm glad you got feedback from the community about the list of core packages. We did not write any rules for core packages, but I honestly think that they should be CRAN packages—but there could be exceptions. Since asreml is not even open source I would not think it should be part of the core packages. Points 2, 4 and 5: sounds great. Point 3: did you reach out to the people whose names were suggested? 6: Most of these packages are not centered on Agriculture or created for agricultural use; based on their description I believe that the exception would be ag5Tools. I'd suggest doing something similar to the Agricultural economics section and cite the Hydrology CTV which already mentions most of these packages. What do you think?

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Regarding the issue of core packages: Technically it's only possible to make CRAN packages core packages.

The reason is simply that the CRAN task views are mainly designed to list (and automatically install) packages from CRAN. Only these can be tagged with pkg() in the .md file and only this function has the argument priority = "core". All other tags (github(), bioc(), etc.) just generate links in the HTML pages but do not extend the list of packages that can be installed automatically.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago


Point 3: did you reach out to the people whose names were suggested?

Sorry, what names are you referring to?

Your suggestion for "agrometeorology" sounds good to me. This way we can keep the "agrometeorology" section and use that to send people to other relevant resources.

I will incorporate these changes and keep you posted when we have a spelling & grammar proofed draft.

(also, understood about asreml. It will not be part of the core packages).

rociojoo commented 2 years ago

@jpiaskowski I think I misunderstood While we have received community suggestions from outside those regions, we do not yet have a co-maintainer outside U.S. & Australia. I thought you meant suggestions of maintainers, but I guess you were referring to packages.

rociojoo commented 2 years ago

Hi, I just wanted to write to see how things are going and if there's anything we can help with from the Editor's side.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Thank you for asking and sorry for the delay! We've been adding packages to the markdown file and doing some general clean-up. There were several relevant packages presented at the UseR! conference and I found a bunch more in the CRAN list (I now understand why you're so concerned about scope - keeping up with these changes takes a big effort).

I was going to read the documentation in more detail to get the formatting correct. Is a .ctv file no longer required?

tuxette commented 2 years ago

@jpiaskowski : Indeed, the ctv is not longer needed. Only the .md file is needed and you can check how it is rendered using the function ctv::ctv2html. You can also check one of the public repo at with other task view examples.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Excellent, thank you!

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am recently returned from annual leave and plan to focus on the next steps for this.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Here is a draft document that is following the recommended format for CTV's. It was also converted from a narrative style to largely bulleted points, following the style of most (perhaps all) other CTVs.

There are a few things to note:

  1. There may still be typos and minor errors in the document. While it has been edited multiple times for this, the file still needs additional rounds of copy editing to catch them all. But I want to make sure that we are more or less on the right track - hence this draft document.
  2. There are still links back to the original proposed CTV repo because it feels presumptious to create links to a (currently) nonexistent repo. We can update this as needed as it get closer to publication.

Please let us know if you have additional advice, feedback or comments.

Thank you!

zeileis commented 2 years ago

Thanks for these efforts. I just had a very brief look at the technical aspects and wanted to make a couple of quick comments:

  1. For linking to other task views please use the view() tag, e.g. r view("Econometrics"). Then we can compute on this more easily and include an overview at the end of the task view etc.
  2. Please include a ### Links section at the very end. The "Additional Links" section is then rendered from that. (The reason is that this is not treated like a regular section but something we can compute on and use special rendering for.) For the content of that section, I would recommend to reiterate some of the important links you had included in the text.
  3. I'm not sure whether the links included at the very end of your markdown file (like "FieldBook" etc.) really work in the rendering of the task view. To be on the safe side, please just include them in the text directly.
  4. Did you check running ctv::ctv2html("") and then browseURL("Agriculture.html") See the documentation for more details.
  5. The [shiny app][https://...] should be [shiny app](https://...) with round brackets for the URL.
jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

I will implement those changes. A check has not been run, yet, but we will.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

The file has been edited and the suggested changes were incorporated. You can view the md file or the html file.

tuxette commented 2 years ago

Thanks Julia. A few minor comments first:

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago
  1. For CTV header, I was following a template present in other CTV's in this organization. @zeileis can you indicate what template we should use?
  2. I will look into the broken link and fix.
  3. lme4GS is actually in a sub-directory in that repo (, so I don't think the usual r github(....) will work. It looks like it may have been ported over from a now abandoned R-forge project. I tried to indicate this in the text, but if you have other suggestions, let me know.
  4. I will fix this broken link.
  5. It doesn't hurt to include resources in other languages and is more inclusive.
  6. Packages that have peer reviewed citations were either added by collaborators when they contributed to this CTV, or it was already present in the package description the package authors wrote. I left it up to their judgement when citations were needed to clarify methods implemented in packages.
  7. Regarding a TOC, is there a way to do this automatically via ctv::ctv2html() and/or will a TOC cause problems with that command? (another question for @zeileis)

Thank you for your support and guidance.

janetw commented 2 years ago

Hello Julia, Would you please remind me what I should review?

Thanks, Janet

From: Julia Piaskowski @.> Date: Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 8:37 AM To: cran-task-views/ctv @.> Cc: Williams, Janet @.) @.>, Mention @.***> Subject: Re: [cran-task-views/ctv] CRAN task view proposal: Agriculture (Issue #27)

  1. For CTV header, I was following a template present in other CTV's in this organization. @zeileis;!!JYXjzlvb!h6tKjgf2-e6NF_KbJh6H70di2R6gqDf2qkntTzBbhZCqRWtpEq-Wj_wE63YiXevvSAzy4oNpO1kNmrKe2YagZhkN3w$ can you indicate what template we should use?
  2. I will look into the broken link and fix.
  3. lme4GS is actually in a sub-directory in that repo (;!!JYXjzlvb!h6tKjgf2-e6NF_KbJh6H70di2R6gqDf2qkntTzBbhZCqRWtpEq-Wj_wE63YiXevvSAzy4oNpO1kNmrKe2YZZD9x49w$), so I don't think the usual r github(....) will work. It looks like it may have been ported over from a now abandoned R-forge project. I tried to indicate this in the text, but if you have other suggestions, let me know.
  4. I will fix this broken link.
  5. It doesn't hurt to include resources in other languages and is more inclusive.
  6. Packages that have peer reviewed citations were either added by collaborators when they contributed to this CTV, or it was already present in the package description the package authors wrote. I left it up to their judgement when citations were needed to clarify methods implemented in packages.
  7. Regarding a TOC, is there a way to do this automatically via ctv::ctv2html() and/or will a TOC cause problems with that command? (another question for @zeileis;!!JYXjzlvb!h6tKjgf2-e6NF_KbJh6H70di2R6gqDf2qkntTzBbhZCqRWtpEq-Wj_wE63YiXevvSAzy4oNpO1kNmrKe2YagZhkN3w$)

Thank you for your support and guidance.

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zeileis commented 2 years ago

1 Your header looks fine to me. Nathalie @tuxette I think you looked at the HTML version which was produced by ctv2html() and hence automatically added the citation. 3 I think r github("perpdgo/lme4GS") would be perfectly fine. That link will take viewers to the README which nicely explains what is where, I think. 7 There is no unified infrastructure for TOCs but you can look at the Official Statistics task view for an example with a short overview at the beginning. Also, the Distributions task view is an example for a more extensive TOC.

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

All recommended changes have been made. I also updated our checks file to evaluate package status (on CRAN or not), if the URLs work and if the date is correct.

Let us know next steps, please.

tuxette commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the misleading comment on headers!! Everything looks fine from my side.

tuxette commented 2 years ago

As for the next steps, if I'm right, @zeileis and myself have up-voted your proposal so @rociojoo will review your last proposal and should maybe be able to make a final decision.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

I agree! Additionally, other CRAN Task View Editors are, of course, also welcome to endorse the proposal - either by commenting or by giving the previous comment from @tuxette a thumbs up. @davidjohannesmeyer @eddelbuettel @rsbivand

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Posting the links here again to make it easier to find: CTV md file CTV html file

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Hey folks, just checking in about this.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

We already have sufficient endorsement but were waiting for the feedback from @rociojoo who, I believe, is/was traveling. Rocío, do you know when you will get round to this?

ScymnusRIP commented 2 years ago

Not sure i could give my two cents, but anyway here are. I would suggest some packages for your consideration: / A shiny design of experiments (DOE) app that aids in the creation of traditional, un-replicated, augmented and partially-replicated designs applied to agriculture, plant breeding, forestry, animal and biological sciences. *Category: Experimental design

**Not on CRAN / FIELDimageR: A Tool to Analyze Images From Agricultural Field Trials and Lab in R. Manipulation of Multispectral images, plant part count. Category: High throughput phenotyping (HTP)

** / package with modeling tools for C3 photosynthesis, as well as analytical tools for curve-fitting plant ecophysiology responses. Category: Crop growth models & crop modelling

** /    package to model leaf temperature using leaf energy balance, companion of photosynthesis Category: Crop growth models & crop modelling

** / package that bundles a number of tools to analyze and model leaf gas exchange data. Category: Crop growth models & crop modelling

**Not on CRAN / add to capabilities to 'plantecophys' include temperature responses of mesophyll conductance (gm, gmeso), apparent Michaelis-Menten constant for rubisco carboxylation in air (Km, Kcair),and photorespiratory CO2 compensation point (GammaStar) for fitting A-Ci or A-Cc curves for C3 plants, ability to fit the Arrhenius and modified Arrhenius temperature response functions for maximum rubisco carboxylation rates (Vcmax) and maximum electron transport rates (Jmax) Category: Crop growth models & crop modelling

** / package for the calculation of physical (e.g. aerodynamic conductance, surface temperature) and physiological (e.g. canopy conductance, water-use efficiency) ecosystem properties from eddy covariance data and accompanying meteorological measurements Category: Crop growth models & crop modelling

Not on CRAN /*         and * / First is R package addresses current constraints on applying thermography in ecology, by speeding up and simplifying the extraction of data from (FLIR) thermal images, and by facilitating the calculation of different metrics of thermal heterogeneity for any gridded temperature data. Second is a collection of functions for assisting in converting extracted raw data from infrared thermal images and converting them to estimated temperatures using standard equations in thermography. Provides an open source proxy tool for assisting with infrared thermographic analysis. Both require the external software ExifTool or, easier for R newbie IMHO, Category: Crop growth models & crop modelling

*Not on CRAN / A Fast Implementation for High-Throughput Plant Counting from High-Resolution RGB Imagery. Some functionalities could be similar to FILEDimageR, but with completely different approach. Category: High throughput phenotyping (HTP)  / Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Category: Trial analysis    / Not on CRAN / / all 3 above pkgs for simple and intuitive pipe-friendly framework, coherent with the ‘tidyverse’ design philosophy Category:  Trial analysis

Hope it helps Massimiliano

On 29/08/2022 23:11, Achim Zeileis wrote:

We already have sufficient endorsement but were waiting for the feedback from @rociojoo who, I believe, is/was traveling. Rocío, do you know when you will get round to this?

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jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

Thanks @ScymnusRIP ! I filed an issue for these.

zeileis commented 2 years ago

OK, I think we have waited long enough. We can still incorporate further feedback and suggestions later on, after the first version was published on CRAN.

Julia @jpiaskowski , could you please do the following:

Afterwards I will:


rociojoo commented 2 years ago

Hi all, Apologies for the silence. Traveling + tropical storm + hurricane + preparing new trip starting this weekend. It's all good on my side. Just a typo (should be Bioconductor instead of Bionconductor in #Breeding).

jpiaskowski commented 2 years ago

@zeileis I will do what you requested this week.

zeileis commented 1 year ago

Wonderful, looks good. I did a few minor touch-ups and standardizations:

I think we're ready to go. If you approve, I'll release the task view on CRAN.