Open instantkaffee opened 7 years ago
It would be wonderfull to be able to multipanel ggiraph plots. Right now seems not supported.
library(multipanelfigure) library(tidyverse) library(ggiraph) dataset = iris dataset$tooltip = dataset$Species dataset$clickjs = paste0("alert(\"",dataset$Species, "\")" ) gg_point = ggplot(dataset, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Width, color = Species, tooltip = tooltip, onclick = clickjs) ) + geom_point_interactive() gi= ggiraph(code = {print(gg_point)}) figure= multi_panel_figure( columns = 2, rows = 2, #figure_name = "figure1", panel_label_type = "none") figure %<>% fill_panel(gi) %<>% fill_panel(gi) %<>% fill_panel(gi) %<>% fill_panel(gi) print(figure)
It would be wonderfull to be able to multipanel ggiraph plots. Right now seems not supported.