cranhaven /

WARNING: This is a proof-of-concept idea - it might be removed again
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Feedback, discussions, and ideas around CRANhaven #4

Open HenrikBengtsson opened 4 months ago

HenrikBengtsson commented 4 months ago

The initial objective is for CRANhaven to serve as a discussion point. Things to discuss are:

llrs commented 4 months ago

AFAIK, Bioconductor would be grateful for a solution that allowed them to keep some packages. There is no mechanism to alert repository maintainers/volunteers, so the Bioconductor core team discover CRAN packages archived on the go, which leads to unpleasant surprises.

For packages moved between recognized repositories, ideally this would be handled by the package manager, or by install.packages. As there are no agreement between repositories on how to signal that packages come from a repository this could be dealt with the addition of an onLoad warning (not sure how easy would that be). So keeping in them here, for a while (same default time as other packages archived).

As someone with a package that I hope will be archived soon (and seeing other similar packages archived on github but not on CRAN) I think they should be dealt the same as other packages. If someone is interested in maintaining them they can step up and continue working from what was done.

wlandau commented 3 months ago

I wonder if there is a way R-releases can support CRANhaven somehow. Maybe CRANhaven could leverage as a backup repo?

wlandau commented 3 months ago

@shikokuchuo pointed out that packages remain on the GitHub CRAN mirror even after CRAN archives them. ravetools is an example, c.f. and And on my end, install.packages("ravetools", repos = "") successfully installs the latest CRAN release.

@HenrikBengtsson, are and already enough of a CRAN haven?

HenrikBengtsson commented 3 months ago

@HenrikBengtsson, are and already enough of a CRAN haven?

It's already building based on, cf.

One of the objectives for CRANhaven is to serve only "recently" archived CRAN packages and give a temporary cushion bridging the extra time package maintainers needs to get their package back on CRAN.

I think there needs to be a balance between low friction and feeling the pain to put the pressure on getting things fixed. Right now, some of that pressure happens when all revdep maintainers get notified that some package they depend on will go away. The rest of the world does not know until the package(s) fall of CRAN. CRANhaven means to smooth out those rough rides and effectively extend the time when end-users are affected by archived packages. Also, one idea is for BiocManager::install() to use CRANhaven as a fallback for packages that have temporarily fallen off CRAN. We're experimenting with what the actual time limit (current 5 weeks) should be, and we might increase it to cover more packages.

In the best of the worlds, the CRAN Team will find CRANhaven useful for "offboarding" packages and host their own version of it. For instance, right now they're paying the price of having to review resubmissions from all revdep packages that fell off when a package was archived. [UPDATE 2024-03-27: This might actually not be how it works - I'm monitoring CRANhaven; it looks like revdep packages that were archived due to another package being archived, do indeed automatically return in the reverse process.] That seems like waste of time and resources. They might even speed up the archiving process. Instead of two weeks, developers gets put in the "offboarding" repo immediately, and the process is as before, with the advantage that the rest of the world also knows the package in about to become archived. (Just thinking out loud here)

For packages archived long-term, then, yes, can serve as the (currently imaginary) CRANafterlife repo, where packages end up when they fall off CRANhaven.