crankyoldgit / IRremoteESP8266

Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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How to get or find CarrierAc 32 bit protocol? #2084

Closed Solo157 closed 2 months ago

Solo157 commented 2 months ago

In this project there is ir_Carrier.h file where I see protocol structure for Carrier 64 bit

union CarrierProtocol { uint64_t raw; ///< The state of the IR remote. struct { // Byte 0 uint8_t :8; // Byte 1 uint8_t :8; // Byte 2 uint8_t Sum:4; uint8_t Mode:2; uint8_t Fan:2; // Byte 3 uint8_t Temp:4; uint8_t :1; uint8_t SwingV:1; uint8_t :2; // Byte 4 uint8_t :4; uint8_t Power:1; uint8_t OffTimerEnable:1; uint8_t OnTimerEnable:1; uint8_t Sleep:1; // Byte 5 uint8_t :8; // Byte 6 uint8_t :4; uint8_t OnTimer:4; // Byte 7 uint8_t :4; uint8_t OffTimer:4; }; };

and also I see file with decoding it

But I can't find nowhere information for Carrier 32 structure and I can't find see file with decoding it for Carrier 32 bit. There is not such information in ir_Carrier.h file. So I need CarrierAc for sendCarrierAC method. Please, help me find it out?

NiKiZe commented 2 months ago

There is a issue template. Make sure to answer the questions in it, otherwise we are not able to help you.

It also has links to the FAQ, which you should read. Does it say anyware that the protocol you are asking about exists? What gave you that conclusion?

If you still are unsure, open discussions for questions, not issues!