crankyoldgit / IRremoteESP8266

Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
2.84k stars 810 forks source link

FUNIKI AC remote (85 bits) need to be supported! #2112

Open QuangThai2297 opened 5 days ago

QuangThai2297 commented 5 days ago

I have a remote model FUNIKI. It dosenot include serial or model for details.

But I have some images about this remote as below: image image

I used Arduino IDE and flash example IRrecvDumpV3 (library 2.8.6 that is lastest) to decode it. And I can only receive following: Timestamp : 000070.404 Library : v2.8.6


Protocol : UNKNOWN Code : 0xEA203B8F (85 Bits) uint16_t rawData[169] = {8970, 4544, 608, 486, 606, 526, 606, 522, 606, 1692, 604, 1622, 606, 1654, 606, 526, 606, 560, 606, 492, 604, 522, 606, 1656, 606, 1692, 604, 492, 604, 524, 604, 530, 604, 558, 604, 492, 604, 524, 604, 528, 604, 562, 602, 494, 602, 526, 602, 532, 604, 558, 602, 496, 600, 530, 600, 530, 602, 564, 598, 498, 598, 1662, 598, 1664, 576, 588, 574, 522, 576, 552, 574, 558, 576, 590, 574, 1652, 574, 558, 576, 552, 576, 592, 576, 518, 574, 1688, 576, 1686, 576, 592, 576, 516, 574, 558, 576, 552, 576, 592, 598, 494, 598, 534, 600, 528, 600, 568, 600, 492, 600, 532, 600, 526, 602, 566, 602, 492, 600, 532, 600, 528, 600, 568, 602, 490, 602, 530, 602, 526, 602, 546, 602, 512, 600, 530, 602, 526, 602, 544, 600, 1646, 604, 1658, 602, 1662, 602, 536, 602, 1644, 602, 532, 600, 1660, 604, 538, 604, 1642, 604, 528, 604, 524, 602, 1672, 602, 1646, 602, 530, 604, 1660, 602}; // UNKNOWN EA203B8F Timestamp : 000069.324 Library : v2.8.6


Protocol : UNKNOWN Code : 0xEF7E2CD7 (85 Bits) uint16_t rawData[169] = {9072, 4544, 602, 490, 602, 530, 602, 526, 602, 568, 600, 1624, 602, 1660, 600, 526, 602, 564, 602, 492, 602, 530, 600, 1662, 600, 1698, 600, 492, 600, 532, 600, 528, 602, 568, 600, 488, 602, 530, 602, 526, 604, 564, 604, 490, 602, 530, 602, 526, 602, 566, 602, 492, 602, 534, 598, 526, 602, 566, 604, 490, 600, 1660, 602, 1656, 604, 564, 604, 490, 602, 530, 604, 526, 602, 564, 602, 1624, 602, 526, 604, 528, 604, 560, 604, 492, 604, 1658, 604, 1658, 606, 558, 604, 494, 602, 526, 602, 530, 604, 560, 604, 492, 604, 526, 604, 528, 604, 562, 602, 492, 604, 526, 602, 528, 604, 560, 604, 492, 604, 526, 602, 530, 602, 562, 604, 492, 602, 526, 602, 528, 604, 538, 604, 514, 604, 524, 604, 528, 604, 540, 602, 1644, 604, 1658, 602, 1658, 602, 546, 602, 1644, 604, 524, 604, 1658, 604, 544, 602, 1644, 604, 526, 602, 530, 604, 1672, 602, 1646, 600, 526, 604, 1658, 602}; // UNKNOWN EF7E2CD7

Has anyone worked and supported with this remote? If you want any details, you could request me, and I will supply them! I am also trying to write code to support it. Thanks!