crankyoldgit / IRremoteESP8266

Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
3k stars 833 forks source link

Support "I FEEL" button for TCL112AC (AC Royal Clima fresh) #2134

Open almirus opened 2 months ago

almirus commented 2 months ago

Version/revision of the library used


Describe the bug

Button "I FEEL" press status missing

To Reproduce

Example code used


Output of raw data from [IRrecvDumpV2.ino]


19:33:53.367 -> Protocol  : TCL112AC
19:33:53.367 -> Code      : 0x23CB26010024830500000019805A (112 Bits)
19:33:53.367 -> Mesg Desc.: Model: 1 (TAC09CHSD), Type: 1, Power: On, Mode: 3 (Cool), Temp: 26C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Swing(V): 0 (Auto), Swing(H): Off, Econo: Off, Health: Off, Turbo: Off, Light: On, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off
19:33:53.367 -> uint16_t rawData[227] = {3060, 1622,  466, 1124,  462, 1118,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 354,  466, 1120,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 1144,  442, 1120,  466, 354,  464, 1120,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 1142,  442, 1142,  444, 352,  466, 1120,  464, 1144,  444, 352,  468, 352,  466, 1144,  442, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1142,  444, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1120,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1118,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1120,  464, 1144,  442, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1144,  442, 1120,  466, 352,  466, 1142,  442, 352,  466, 352,  466, 354,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 354,  466, 354,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1118,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1122,  464, 1144,  442, 354,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 354,  466, 1120,  466, 354,  466, 1120,  466, 352,  468, 1120,  466, 1122,  464, 352,  468, 1120,  466, 352,  466};  // TCL112AC
19:33:53.507 -> uint8_t state[14] = {0x23, 0xCB, 0x26, 0x01, 0x00, 0x24, 0x83, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x19, 0x80, 0x5A};


19:22:13.370 -> Library   : v2.8.6
19:22:13.370 -> 
19:22:13.370 -> Protocol  : TCL112AC
19:22:13.370 -> Code      : 0x23CB2601002403050000000080C1 (112 Bits)
19:22:13.370 -> Mesg Desc.: Model: 1 (TAC09CHSD), Type: 1, Power: On, Mode: 3 (Cool), Temp: 26C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Swing(V): 0 (Auto), Swing(H): Off, Econo: Off, Health: Off, Turbo: Off, Light: On, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off
19:22:13.402 -> uint16_t rawData[227] = {3060, 1622,  466, 1142,  444, 1142,  442, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  468, 1116,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1118,  468, 1120,  468, 352,  466, 1120,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 1120,  466, 1120,  466, 352,  466, 1144,  442, 1142,  444, 352,  468, 352,  466, 1120,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1120,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 1118,  468, 352,  468, 352,  468, 1120,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1120,  466, 1144,  442, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1118,  466, 352,  466, 1120,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 356,  462, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 354,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  468, 352,  468, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1120,  468, 1120,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 352,  466, 1144,  442, 1144,  442};  // TCL112AC
19:22:13.502 -> uint8_t state[14] = {0x23, 0xCB, 0x26, 0x01, 0x00, 0x24, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xC1};

What brand/model IR demodulator are you using?


Other useful information

About IFEEL function