crapp / geomandel

Fractal generator with lots of fancy stuff
GNU General Public License v3.0
41 stars 8 forks source link

zoom factor? #4

Open Crisp-Casper opened 6 months ago

Crisp-Casper commented 6 months ago

perhaps i am just silly but i cant find an option and dont know where to start trying to get more zooms

crapp commented 5 months ago

Hi,the application has a zoom Factor option. What exactly are you trying? Can you show me your command line options?

Crisp-Casper commented 1 month ago

forgot to respond my bad! to be more clear im trying to understand how i can use this to make fractals that zoom in but over time zooming of course slows down and dont quite know how to change that...

geomandel -h provides

geomandel [OPTION...] - command line options

--help              Show this help
-m, --multi [=arg(=2)]  Use multiple cores
-q, --quiet             Don't write to stdout (This does not influence

Fractal options:

-f, --fractal arg     Choose which kind of fractal you want to compute and
render (default:0)
-b, --bailout arg     Bailout value for the fractal algorithm
--creal-min arg   Real part minimum (default:-2.0)
--creal-max arg   Real part maximum (default:1.0)
--cima-min arg    Imaginary part minimum (default:-1.5)
--cima-max arg    Imaginary part maximum (default:1.5)
--julia-real arg  Julia set constant real part (default:-0.8)
--julia-ima arg   Julia set constant imaginary part (default:0.156)

Image options:

--image-file arg  Image file name pattern. You can use different printf
like '%' items interspersed with normal text for the
output file name. Have a look in the README for more
instructions. (default:geomandel)
-w, --width arg       Image width (default:1000)
-h, --height arg      Image height (default:1000)
--image-pnm-bw    Write Buffer to PBM Bitmap
--image-pnm-grey  Write Buffer to grey scale PGM
--image-pnm-col   Write Buffer to PPM Bitmap
--image-jpg       Write Buffer to JPG image
--image-png       Write Buffer to PNG image
--col-algo arg    Coloring algorithm 0->Escape Time Linear,
1->Continuous Coloring Sine, 2->Continuous Coloring Bernstein
--grey-base arg   Base grey shade between 0 - 255 (default:55)
--grey-freq arg   Frequency for grey shade computation (default:0.01)
--rgb-base arg    Base RGB color as comma separated string
--rgb-freq arg    Frequency for RGB computation as comma separated
string. You may use decimals but no negative values
--rgb-phase arg   Phase for Sine Wave RGB computation as comma
separated string (default:0,2,4)
--rgb-amp arg     Amplitude for Bernstein RGB computation as comma
separated string (default:9,15,8.5)
--set-color arg   Color for pixels inside the set (default:0,0,0)
--zoom arg        Zoom level. Use together with xcoord, ycoord
--xcoord arg      Image X coordinate where you want to zoom into the
--ycoord arg      Image Y coordinate where you want to zoom into the

Export options:

-p, --print  Print Buffer to terminal
--csv    Export data to csv files

Could not parse command line arguments
Option ‘h’ is missing an argument```
Crisp-Casper commented 1 month ago

and in order to kinda do what i wanted i wrote this sh script


mkdir seq
cd seq
while true ; do
if [ "$looping" == "0" ] ; then
for frac in {1..9999} ; do
geomandel -f 2 --col-algo=2 --rgb-base=0,0,0 --creal-min -1.5 --creal-max 1.8 --image-png --xcoord $x --ycoord $y --zoom $frac -m $cores -b $quality --image-file %z
echo "file '$frac.png'" >> filelist.txt
ffmpeg -r 30 -f concat -safe 0 -i filelist.txt -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4
echo "Press any key to continue..."
read -n 1 -s -r -p ""
echo "Continuing..."
rm *.png *.txt
looping=$((looping +1))
elif [ $looping == 1 ] ; then
for fractal in $(seq $begin $fin) ; do
geomandel -f 2 --col-algo=2 --rgb-base=0,0,0 --creal-min -1.5 --creal-max 1.8 --image-png --xcoord $x --ycoord $y --zoom $fractal -m $cores -b $quality --image-file %z
echo "file '$fractal.png'" >> filelist.txt
ffmpeg -r 30 -f concat -safe 0 -i filelist.txt -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p output2.mp4
echo "Press any key to continue..."
read -n 1 -s -r -p ""
echo "Continuing..."
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -i output2.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]concat=n=2:v=1:a=0[v]" -map "[v]" input.mp4
echo "Press any key to continue..."
read -n 1 -s -r -p ""
echo "Continuing..."
begin=$((begin +10000))
fin=$((fin +10000))
rm *.png *.txt out*
mv input.mp4 output.mp4
echo ":3"

do keep in mind the x and y cords are not present in this sh and would need to be set

Crisp-Casper commented 1 month ago

one final note when i run geomandel all i get is the output

+       Welcome to geomandel 0.3.1
+ Fractal type 'Mandelbrot'
+ Bailout: 1000
+ Complex plane:
+   Im -1.5 1.5
+   Re -2 1
+ Image: 1000x1000
+ Zoom:
+   Coordinate 0, 0
+   Level 0x
+ Singlecore
+ Fractalcruncher time 449ms

no image is displayed

crapp commented 1 month ago

I'll have a look... been a long time since I last used the software