crash1115 / 5e-training

A module for Foundry VTT that allows users to keep track of downtime activities, quest progress and... Well, pretty much anything you can track with a loading bar and a %.
MIT License
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[SUGGESTION] Skill Rolls and Tracking #108

Open Melkyor opened 6 months ago

Melkyor commented 6 months ago

Hi, Unless I missed something, for Skill rolls to be counted, they must be made from the Tracking tab and not from the Skills block of the character sheet. Is there a way for a Skill roll, regardless of where it is made, to be counted in the tracking?

crash1115 commented 6 months ago

Your understanding is correct, yes.

The short answer to your question is yes, but it's not something I'm super willing to write into this module. It's not in active development stages anymore, just getting compatibility updates at this point.

The long answer to your question is that it depends on what you want to do with it. Do you want every roll of the chosen type to advance all activities that use that kind of roll? Do you want to be selective of which rolls count towards the progress of tracked activities?

The module is built around the latter use case; if you need someone to roll a Survival check and want it to count towards progress, just have them roll the activity instead of rolling from the skills section of the sheet. I recognize that this takes some getting used to doing, but if you forget to do this for some reason, you can just quickly adjust the progress of the activity; that's why the progress field is directly available for editing!

If you need them to roll a Survival check and want it to count towards all activities that use Survival, or if you want every Survival check to count towards all activities that use Survival, that can almost definitely be accomplished with a world script.

Melkyor commented 6 months ago

Hi, The problem is that my players use HUDs a lot like Argon or Token HUD. If they want to benefit from Tracking, this requires them to open their sheet and go through the Tracking tab. It's a bit restrictive but not at all insurmountable either ;)

In any case, thank you for your response.

crash1115 commented 6 months ago

Ah okay, I understand. I don't use TAH or Argon, but I do know it's possible to add custom content to those modules; both of them are built specifically to allow for other modules that enable additional functionality. I think getting my hands dirty with those is far beyond the scope of a project that's not in active development right now, but if I come back to modding Foundry in the future I'll try to remember this request. Even if the inconvenience isn't insurmountable, accessibility is important and definitely something to keep in mind.

Thanks for the suggestion; I really do appreciate hearing from people!