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DBeaver: `NumberFormatException` when importing data into table with boolean column #112

Open hlcianfagna opened 2 months ago

hlcianfagna commented 2 months ago
create table repro (flag BOOLEAN);

Then create a .csv file and try to import it from DBeaver with the default "Data load settings" with "Skip bind values during insert" not selected


In CrateDB this will fail with

NumberFormatException in java.base/java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(

in PostgreSQL it works (DBeaver also succeeds if the column is INT instead of BOOLEAN or if we select the option to skip binding)

I can get the same stack trace in Java if I use a setBigDecimal against a PreparedStatement instead of a setBoolean , however this fails also against pgqsl while DBeaver works against pgsql.

So perhaps this something about pg_type not having composite type entries for the tables or about pg_description not having an entry for the boolean data type?

amotl commented 1 month ago

Hi @hlcianfagna. Thanks for your report.

Can I humbly ask you to evaluate the problem closer, maybe together with @surister, @seut, or @proddata, and maybe derive or transfer this issue into crate/crate, also tagging it with tool: DBeaver, when applicable?