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postgres_fdw: access data stored in external PostgreSQL servers #78

Open amotl opened 4 months ago

amotl commented 4 months ago


The postgres_fdw module provides a foreign-data wrapper, which can be used to access data stored in external PostgreSQL servers. In this spirit, it can also be used to talk to CrateDB.


@hlcianfagna had a nice conversation with @ishurmer over at CrateDB/postgres_fdw/LIMIT parameter. Thanks.

Request for re-evaluation

Because there was an issue, which now has been fixed by, we may want to try again if the situation is better now. As a bonus, we may have a short code snippet hooked into, in order to constantly validate connectivity, see CrateDB Ecosystem Build Status.

Request for documentation

If everything works well, let's demonstrate corresponding functionality better on behalf of a relevant blog post, which outlines a minimal but holistic scenario using this tech.

/cc @wierdvanderhaar, @matkuliak