Closed Nyuuk closed 3 weeks ago
@Nyuuk thank you for sharing the logs with us and using crate-operator
The DNS errors itself - while the crateDB node/POD is started - are IMHO not an issue for crateDB itself.
crate-operator creates a discovery service (which is a kubernetes service). This service is a headless service, which creates the necessary DNS Services (in your k8s DNS), as soon as the crateDB Pod are set to READY
and the PODs IPs are added to the corresponding endpoints.
I hope that makes sense and addresses your question. Otherwise let us know (and post more surrounding logs).
I have deployed the crate operator using Helm following the documentation and I have run
. but I found Failed to resolve servicediscrovery-cluster
this might cause a crash here is the error log name pod:crate-data-hot-my-cluster-0