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Documentation feedback on /docs/integrate/etl/mongodb.rst #76

Open amotl opened 1 month ago

amotl commented 1 month ago

Documentation feedback

The page still references the MongoDB migration tool. It should be using CrateDB Toolkit now, and also tell how to install it, most likely using pip install 'cratedb-toolkit[mongodb]'.

The migr8 command probably works as-is, but it may make sense to additionally present the new ctk load table interface of the MongoDB I/O subsystem, similar to the one for InfluxDB.

/cc @matkuliak

amotl commented 1 month ago

Both documents do not mention cr8 in this context yet, only MongoDB to CrateDB - migr8 github project and the original README does.

migr8 export --host localhost --port 27017 --database test --collection movies | \
  cr8 insert-json --hosts localhost:4200 --table movies
amotl commented 1 month ago

The project now has a proper documentation, which will need to be taken into account accordingly, when improving the situation.


matkuliak commented 1 month ago

Would you mind if I picked this up @amotl ? Or are you working on it already?

amotl commented 1 month ago

I am not working on this yet, and I appreciate any support. Thanks!