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Successor base image after CentOS 7 #205

Closed amotl closed 1 year ago

amotl commented 1 year ago


We are using CentOS 7 for our base images. While this distribution still receives security patches, their Docker images apparently stopped being updated. So, we need to invoke yum upgrade at build time, which is officially not allowed in the official Docker images. Their maintainers stated:

Normally I'd say that we don't allow yum upgrade in the official images, but in this case it is because centos:7 is basically unmaintained since it hasn't been updated since


State of the onion » Summary

In December 2020, Red Hat unilaterally terminated CentOS development. In response, CentOS founder Gregory Kurtzer created the Rocky Linux project as a successor to the original mission of CentOS. In March 2021, Cloud Linux (makers of CloudLinux OS) released a new RHEL derivative called AlmaLinux.

While the distribution was discontinued at the end of 2021, development of CentOS Stream, its midstream variant, continues.


We will need to determine a successor distribution. If we want to stay around the same area as before, using a distribution based on packages from Red Hat, I think we can either use:

CentOS Stream

CentOS Stream is a midstream Linux distribution situated between the upstream development in Fedora and the downstream development for RHEL. The initial release, CentOS Stream 8, was released on 24 September 2019, at the same time as CentOS 8, followed by CentOS Stream 9 on 3 December 2021.

Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux is a Linux distribution developed by Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation. It is intended to be a downstream, complete binary-compatible release using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system source code. The first release candidate version of Rocky Linux was released on April 30, 2021, and its first general availability version was released on June 21, 2021.


AlmaLinux is a free and open source Linux distribution, created originally by CloudLinux to provide a community-supported, production-grade enterprise operating system that is binary-compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). The first stable release of AlmaLinux was published on March 30, 2021.


amotl commented 1 year ago

On the recent "Releases" tables of Rocky Linux vs. AlmaLinux, it shows that AlmaLinux had a delay of only 9 days after RHEL 9 was released (Rocky Linux: 58 days). I think it is favorable.

amotl commented 1 year ago

215 takes a different approach and just uses the original "Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI)", which is freely available and redistributable since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. It has the benefit that it is certified by Red Hat already and works without further ado.


amotl commented 1 year ago

Hi again. We used #206 to migrate to AlmaLinux 9.