craue / CraueConfigBundle

Database-stored settings made available via a service for your Symfony project.
MIT License
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CraueConfigBundle, Redis and provider tagging #59

Open SergeiTPG opened 1 year ago

SergeiTPG commented 1 year ago

When provider is tagged to be cleared during cache:clear command, container is failing to be assembled. It appears, that assembling process messes up with arguments:

"Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits\RedisTrait::init()" expects parameter 1 to be Redis, RedisArray, RedisCluster or Predis\ClientInterface, "string" given.

With File cache adapter the same configuration works just fine.

        class: Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter
        public: false
            - { name: 'cache.pool', clearer: 'cache.system_clearer' }
            - '@Redis'
            - 'craue_config'
            - 3600