craue / CraueFormFlowBundle

Multi-step forms for your Symfony project.
MIT License
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there is no way to hidden the back button (as we had on start over button) #401

Open raulizqli opened 2 years ago

raulizqli commented 2 years ago

im added this to not render the back button, currently im add the class hidden to emulate the behaivor

{% set renderBackButton = craue_formflow_button_render_back is defined ? craue_formflow_button_render_back : flow.getFirstStepNumber() < flow.getLastStepNumber() and flow.getCurrentStepNumber() in (flow.getFirstStepNumber() + 1) .. flow.getLastStepNumber() %}

i did not know if there is a functionality that could be helpful on this behavior there is no way to hidden the back button (as we had on start over button)