craue / CraueGeoBundle

Doctrine functions for calculating geographical distances in your Symfony project.
MIT License
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Composer Support #1

Closed bnason closed 12 years ago

bnason commented 12 years ago

Added composer.json

craue commented 12 years ago

I'm not sure about the require section, if it might be also working with Symfony 2.0.x.

And I guess we'd need a Doctrine ORM requirement for the functions as well as a Doctrine Fixtures suggestion. But I'm not sure about the compatible versions at all. We could just add the latest for now, maybe lowering the version numbers later. Which specific versions are you using currently?

Seldaek commented 12 years ago

Considering Symfony2.0 will never really support Composer (besides a few persons that hacked it together), I think it's ok to just depend on 2.1.x. If the bundle does work with both though, you can use >=2.0,<2.2-dev to accept 2.0 and 2.1.

bnason commented 12 years ago

It does work with 2.0.12 I know. I can update it to include 2.0 if you like craue.

Also, I tried adding a require for the doctrine bundle "symfony/doctrine-bundle": "*", but would get the following, [ErrorException] assert(): Assertion failed updating dependencies so I just left it out for now.

I'm working with all master branches right now.

craue commented 12 years ago

@bnason: Alright. Did you need to separately install something for the fixture to work, or does the Symfony requirement already resolve this somehow? If not, could you try "doctrine/data-fixtures": "*"?

Seldaek commented 12 years ago

@bnason please try to composer.phar self-update and try again that doctrine-bundle thing. We fixed an assert bug yesterday. If it still fails please run it with --verbose and report the bug with backtrace and composer.json to composer/composer.

craue commented 12 years ago

Thanks for contributing. Just added the bundle to packagist: