craue / CraueGeoBundle

Doctrine functions for calculating geographical distances in your Symfony project.
MIT License
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PostgreSQL Compatibilty #14

Closed Tilotiti closed 7 years ago

Tilotiti commented 7 years ago

I've managed to fix the PostgreSQL compatibilty issues and updated the documentation.


craue commented 7 years ago

While testing with PostgreSQL, I've stumbled upon a few more issues. E.g. I'm getting an error when not adding ->groupBy('poi'). Can you confirm this behavior?

Tilotiti commented 7 years ago

Yep, that's because PostgreSQL, not because of the bundle. With PostgreSQL, you can only GROUP BY on the on the ID. If you want, as MySQL, GROUP BY an other column, you'll have to use the DISTINCT keyword in your SELECT.

That's a weird behavior of PostgreSQL, but when you mention it to the developing team they yeld at you "THAT IS THE STANDARD BITCH". So ...

craue commented 7 years ago

How about #15?

Tilotiti commented 7 years ago
