craumix / jmb-container

A containerized version of
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Switch to generic alpine base, add non-root user #11

Open afwolfe opened 1 week ago

afwolfe commented 1 week ago

Potentially addresses #10 and allows multiplatform builds by switching to a generic Alpine Linux base and installing Oracle OpenJDK via the package manager. It also improves security by running the application as a non-root user within the container.

As an alternative solution to #10, 11-jre could be used for an Ubuntu base, but would increase the final image size:

REPOSITORY                        TAG               IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
craumix/jmusicbot                 ubuntu            66df074b29fc   2 seconds ago    300MB    # eclipse-temurin:11-jre (Ubuntu base)
craumix/jmusicbot                 alpine            f143f661093d   11 minutes ago   214MB    # alpine:3 (this PR)
craumix/jmusicbot                 temurin           d0ec9a182942   11 minutes ago   198MB    # eclipse-temurin:11-jre-alpine (master)