crawler-commons / url-frontier

API definition, resources and reference implementation of URL Frontiers
Apache License 2.0
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ignite.purge answers with 'couldn't delete workdir' #74

Closed michaeldinzinger closed 1 year ago

michaeldinzinger commented 1 year ago

When using the ignite.purge config argument, the corresponding working directory couldn't be deleted. As a workaround, I modified the lines 156-159 and the lines 169-172, and used the FileUtils.cleanDirectory() instead which did the job.

michael@pc:~/Desktop/Git/url-frontier/service$ java -Xmx2G -cp target/urlfrontier-service-*.jar crawlercommons.urlfrontier.service.URLFrontierServer implementation=crawlercommons.urlfrontier.service.ignite.IgniteService ignite.path=/home/michaeld/Desktop/Git/owler/frontier/data_frontier ignite.purge
17:46:54.065 [main] INFO  c.u.service.AbstractFrontierService - Available processor(s) 12
17:46:54.067 [main] INFO  c.u.service.AbstractFrontierService - Using 3 threads for reading from queues
17:46:54.067 [main] INFO  c.u.service.AbstractFrontierService - Using 3 threads for writing to queues
17:46:54.251 [main] ERROR c.u.service.ignite.IgniteService - Couldn't delete workdir /home/michaeld/Desktop/Git/owler/frontier/data_frontier