crazecoder / flutter_bugly

腾讯Bugly flutter应用更新统计及异常上报插件,支持Android、iOS
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有新版本但是没有弹窗 #127

Closed seth-shi closed 2 years ago

seth-shi commented 2 years ago

这明明有新版本, 但是不更新. 可以知道是为什么吗? 谢谢.

port( 5534): [AsyncTaskHandler] Post a normal task:
D/CrashReport( 5534): requestGrayTactics strategyType:[0]
D/CrashReport( 5534): requestGrayTactics1 strategyType:[0]
D/CrashReport( 5534): requestGrayTactics2 strategyType:[0]
D/CrashReport( 5534): app version is: [], [deviceId:3d1bd510a710e5ad], channel: [web], buildNo: [0], base tinkerId:[], patch tinkerId:[], patch version:[], strategyType:[0]
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Add upload task (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Add upload task to queue (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Try to poll all upload task need and put them into temp queue (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Execute upload tasks of queue which has 1 tasks (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [AsyncTaskHandler] Post a normal task: com.tencent.bugly.proguard.S
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Run upload task with cmd: 804
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Util] Zip 694 bytes data with type Gzip
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] deleted t_lr data 1
D/CrashReport( 5534): app version is: [], [deviceId:3d1bd510a710e5ad], channel: [web], buildNo: [0], base tinkerId:[], patch tinkerId:[], patch version:[], strategyType:[-1]
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Add upload task (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Add upload task to queue (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] insert t_lr success.
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Try to poll all upload task need and put them into temp queue (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Execute upload tasks of queue which has 1 tasks (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [AsyncTaskHandler] Post a normal task: com.tencent.bugly.proguard.S
I/CrashReport( 5534): Beta async init end...
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Uploading(ID:1002) time: 2021-10-20 22:32:50
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Send 559 bytes
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Run upload task with cmd: 803
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Util] Zip 767 bytes data with type Gzip
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Upload to with cmd 804 (pid=5534 | tid=5624).
D/CrashReport( 5534): request:, send: 559 (pid=5534 | tid=5624)
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] deleted t_lr data 1
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] insert t_lr success.
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Uploading(ID:1002) time: 2021-10-20 22:32:50
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Send 601 bytes
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Upload to with cmd 803 (pid=5534 | tid=5618).
D/CrashReport( 5534): request:, send: 601 (pid=5534 | tid=5618)
D/CrashReport( 5534): checkServerTrusted
D/CrashReport( 5534): checkServerTrusted
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Bugly version from headers is: bugly/1.0
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Status from server is 0 (pid=5534 | tid=5618).
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Received 155 bytes
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Util] Unzip 155 bytes data with type Gzip
W/CrashReport( 5534): Not in GZIP format
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Response cmd is: 0, length of sBuffer is: 0
I/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Success: 803
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Local network consume: 2 KB
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] deleted t_lr data 1
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] insert t_lr success.
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Network total consume: 3 KB
I/CrashReport( 5534): upload succ:[803] [sended 601] [recevied 155]
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Bugly version from headers is: bugly/1.0
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Status from server is 0 (pid=5534 | tid=5624).
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Received 511 bytes
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Util] Unzip 511 bytes data with type Gzip
W/CrashReport( 5534): Not in GZIP format
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Response cmd is: 804, length of sBuffer is: 350
I/CrashReport( 5534): [Upload] Success: 804
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Local network consume: 3 KB
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] deleted t_lr data 1
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] insert t_lr success.
D/CrashReport( 5534): [UploadManager] Network total consume: 4 KB
I/CrashReport( 5534): upload succ:[804] [sended 559] [recevied 511]
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Util] Unzip 350 bytes data with type Gzip
I/CrashReport( 5534): same strategyId:[new: 6dce3146-98c1-4120-889b-33a9c29ca695] [current: 6dce3146-98c1-4120-889b-33a9c29ca695] keep has popup times: 0, interval: 0
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] insert st_1002 success.
I/CrashReport( 5534): onUpgradeReceived: title: xxx2.1.3.114
I/CrashReport( 5534): newFeature: 更新版本
I/CrashReport( 5534): publishTime: 1634738896000
I/CrashReport( 5534): publishType: 0
I/CrashReport( 5534): appBasicInfo: {
I/CrashReport( 5534):   appId: xxxx
I/CrashReport( 5534):   platformId: 1
I/CrashReport( 5534):   versionCode: 114
I/CrashReport( 5534):   versionName: 2.1.3
I/CrashReport( 5534):   buildNo: 0
I/CrashReport( 5534):   iconUrl: null
I/CrashReport( 5534):   apkId: 0
I/CrashReport( 5534):   channelId: null
I/CrashReport( 5534):   md5: 8ccc5521ee59f1cb64341c09f55a29d2
I/CrashReport( 5534):   sdkVer: 
I/CrashReport( 5534):   bundleId: com.rememberdream
I/CrashReport( 5534): }
I/CrashReport( 5534): apkBaseInfo: {
I/CrashReport( 5534):   apkMd5: 8ccc5521ee59f1cb64341c09f55a29d2
I/CrashReport( 5534):   apkUrl:
I/CrashReport( 5534):   manifestMd5: 
I/CrashReport( 5534):   fileSize: 15802566
I/CrashReport( 5534):   signatureMd5: 
I/CrashReport( 5534): }
I/CrashReport( 5534): updateStrategy: 1
I/CrashReport( 5534): popTimes: 2147483647
I/CrashReport( 5534): popInterval: 0
I/CrashReport( 5534): diffApkInfo: {
I/CrashReport( 5534):   null}
I/CrashReport( 5534): netType: null
I/CrashReport( 5534): reserved: 4, {
I/CrashReport( 5534):   (
I/CrashReport( 5534):       H1
I/CrashReport( 5534):       false
I/CrashReport( 5534):   )
I/CrashReport( 5534):   (
I/CrashReport( 5534):       IMG_title
I/CrashReport( 5534):       
I/CrashReport( 5534):   )
I/CrashReport( 5534):   (
I/CrashReport( 5534):       H2
I/CrashReport( 5534):       0
I/CrashReport( 5534):   )
I/CrashReport( 5534):   (
I/CrashReport( 5534):       VAL_style
I/CrashReport( 5534):       0
I/CrashReport( 5534):   )
I/CrashReport( 5534): }
I/CrashReport( 5534): strategyId: 6dce3146-98c1-4120-889b-33a9c29ca695
I/CrashReport( 5534): status: 1
I/CrashReport( 5534): updateTime: 1634738896000
I/CrashReport( 5534): updateType: 1
I/CrashReport( 5534):  [type: 1]
D/CrashReport( 5534): [Database] insert ge_1002 success.
I/CrashReport( 5534): 你已放弃让SDK来处理策略
crazecoder commented 2 years ago


seth-shi commented 2 years ago

好的, 感谢回复